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Discussion Forum - Ideas Forum - Checkpoint Food on the 100

Author: Nick Ham
Posted: Tue 14th Aug 2007, 12:35
Joined: 1998
Local Group: South Manchester
Coke (full sugar variety) and chicken noodle soup please! These work wonders for restoring energy and are easily absorbed.
Nick Ham.
Author: Anne Wade
Posted: Tue 14th Aug 2007, 11:27
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Heart of England
The Cant Canolbarth was great, especially the jelly. More jelly please! The other long event that I have done this year, where the food was amazing was the Dorset Giant. I never had hunger pangs or felt sick on that one.

My main problem is breakfast. I always struggle to eat anything at the breakfast stop. Please could we have some alternatives eg yoghurt, hard-boiled eggs, macaroni cheese.

During the second day things like carrot sticks are good.

Thanks for asking - you'll end up with a supermarket of requests!
Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Tue 14th Aug 2007, 9:54
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
I think 100 organisers go to a great deal of trouble to find out what entrants like and to provide a good variety. By and large they do a great job, bearing in mind that the budget is around 50p per walker per checkpoint, but we all have individual tastes and requirements so you are never going to satisfy everyone.
The Cant Canolbarth seemed to me to come as close to perfection as is possible. I would be happy with the same again next year.
Posted: Tue 14th Aug 2007, 8:19
Surely both verbal feedback and quanties eaten/uneaten at each checkpoint are feedback themselves
Author: Ian Koszalinski
Posted: Tue 14th Aug 2007, 0:47
Joined: 2004
Local Group: High Peak
owza 'bout yorkshur pud wi' onyon gravy, fur neight legs
Author: John Williams
Posted: Mon 13th Aug 2007, 22:27
Joined: 1984
Local Group: The Irregulars
After every 100 the food at checkpoints is invariably a topic of conversation.So far as I am aware there has never been an attempt by the organisers to try to find out what the punters like and don't like before the event.This is your chance to put your views before the Yoredale 100 checkpoint rations are worked out in detail.

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