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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Long distance paths

Posted: Tue 9th Oct 2007, 21:33
Dennis, you're not alone. In fact I don't even like challenge walks - sacrilege some will say! I think the last one I did was in 1993.

I much prefer the idea of planning a long trip and then the actual trip itself - whether it be on foot or bike.

I've two planned for next year with a third that I'm hoping to add to them.
Author: Dennis Gilbert
Posted: Fri 5th Oct 2007, 19:19
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
Thanks Catharine & Alex - you are so encouraging. I'm reading Richard Brown's book and that should inspire anyone of any age. It certainly does me. He quotes "we can achieve anything within the scope of our imagination; we simply don't often dare to dream what we might achieve in our lives."
Yes, I think I'll put a note in Strider.
Author: Catharine Gregory
Posted: Fri 5th Oct 2007, 15:37
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Bristol & West
I doubt it Dennis!

Don't forget that you can advertise (as 'member to member') in Strider as well.

Author: Dennis Gilbert
Posted: Thu 4th Oct 2007, 23:40
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
Thanks Matt. I'll be 85 then and not quite as active as I am now!
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Thu 4th Oct 2007, 23:16
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
10 years and 2 months till I retire - I'll join you then. Matt.
Author: Dennis Gilbert
Posted: Thu 4th Oct 2007, 23:13
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
I know there is a separate section on this topic but I have not had any response to the two entries I made on 25th June. One was about the Cape Wrath Trail which I completed in May and the other is the Irish Coast to Coast which I am proposing to do next spring. It seems to me that LDWA members enjoy long walks at a brisk pace but not necessarily long distance paths where the daily average distance would be, say 20 miles, and continue over several days and maybe run into weeks as the Irish LDP will do. There must surely be a few members out there who like the continuity of LDP's and the exhilaration of completing good distances each day.
Are my expectations of finding a like minded walker too high or am I looking in the wrong place?
I would welcome your comments.

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