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Discussion Forum - Ideas Forum - Life Membership

Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Tue 28th Mar 2006, 18:21
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
The committee have taken a good look at this, but decided that on balance it was not appropriate to introduce a life membership category at the present time. We researched what other organisations offered and found that they generally fell into two groups. A number (e.g. RA, National Trust)used a multiple of around 25, with a 50% concessionary rate for over 60's. We didn't feel that this would be very attractive to members. Others (e.g. YHA and Fell Runners Assn) have a multiple of around 12 with no concessions, which our Treasurer didn't like too much! The future value to the LDWA of up front life membership payment can be calculated but of course that depends on the accuracy of the assumptions made so there is an uncertainty element. Is there an actuary in the house?
Finally, many members will be aware of problems with some aspects of membership administration which Garfield and the committee are working hard to resolve, and it was felt that this was not a good time to tinker with the system.
Posted: Thu 19th Jan 2006, 13:22
CALLING JOHN SPARSHATT. Reading through the posts of this 'old' topic I wondered if you could share with us the outcome of your discussion, please. I thought it was not a good idea but probably just a wheeze for a discount rather than an assist to boost finances.
Posted: Thu 24th Feb 2005, 13:51
The point of discounting the cost of future payments is that you can adjust for inflation.
Author: Ian Koszalinski
Posted: Wed 23rd Feb 2005, 22:48
Joined: 2004
Local Group: High Peak
perhaps a 5 or 10 year membership? so that you can adjust for inflation
Author: Keith Chesterton
Posted: Wed 23rd Feb 2005, 18:03
Joined: 1972
Local Group: Surrey
TRying again!
I became a YHA Life Member in the 1950's (I think) for £6. Must have cost them a fortune - tho I do donate sometimes.
In 1972, when I joined it cost 35 pence. If Life had been 25 years, this would have cost £8.75 - very costly for the LDWA.
It's only a good idea to introduce Life Membership if you are confident inflation will remain low, the structure will remain stable ie not introduce lots of expensive new facilities, and Members leave after a short time.
Not a good idea - after all even at £10, membership is still very cheap
Author: Keith Chesterton
Posted: Wed 23rd Feb 2005, 17:58
Joined: 1972
Local Group: Surrey
just testing as my contribution disappeared!
Author: Brandon Webb
Posted: Tue 22nd Feb 2005, 11:05
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Surrey
A great idea. With regards to life membership for over 60's, the National Trust seems to resolve this matter satisfactory with discounted life membership.
Posted: Tue 22nd Feb 2005, 10:39
As a "younger" member, I think it's only fair that some discount is offered to anyone over sixty who wants life membership. Presumably the price of life membership would be based on a discounted value of future membership payments. It's difficult to see how this could work unless it's based on at least 25 years' membership for the average person but obviously this should be much less for older members. Anyone who didn't want this would still have the option of annual membership.
Author: Eric Robert Hardman
Posted: Mon 21st Feb 2005, 23:32
Joined: 2003
Local Group: East Lancashire
A few thoughts:
Is the idea to discriminate in favour of younger members? As someone who has only taken up long distance walking since I retired (after a lifetime of fellwalking and trekking) I wouldn't benefit but maybe a youngster would. With a potential 'lifetime' of 40 or 50 years the level of fee would need to be carefully considered. There would be a short term boost to finances but a potential long term loss of income.
Posted: Mon 21st Feb 2005, 18:18
Good. I'd fully support such a proposal.
Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Mon 21st Feb 2005, 17:33
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
This sound like a good idea. I will make sure that this issue is bought to the attention of the new committee after the AGM in March and discussed as agenda item at one of the committee meetings. John Sparshatt, LDWA Treasurer
Author: Paul Sorensen
Posted: Mon 21st Feb 2005, 16:58
Joined: 1987
Local Group: Dorset
Sounds like a good idea to me. I have life membership of Youth Hostel Association and that works ok.
Posted: Mon 21st Feb 2005, 11:14
Are there any proposals for members to pay a sum for a lifetime membership?

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