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Discussion Forum - Events - Round Rotherham 50

Author: Ian Koszalinski
Posted: Tue 18th Dec 2007, 13:03
Joined: 2004
Local Group: High Peak
fully agree with fiona, i change socks on a hundred every 20 miles (25miles on a fifty) any new socks i use towards the end.
I have my own version of dumping, on the wendsleydale wander a few years ago, with the last half mile to go i was hit by dehydration, headache, dizzyness ect, got to the finish couldn't eat or drink a thing, went to the loo tried to eat a mars bar couldn't even nibble it, then did the biz a number 2, and hey presto right as rain, by now my meal was stone cold so went to the pub for a sandwich and pint, total transformation.
Author: Fiona Cameron
Posted: Tue 18th Dec 2007, 9:35
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Surrey
Hi David,

I thought I'd replied earlier to your post, but it's obviously lurking in the ether. Anyway, nice to meet you on the RR and thanks for your company on the way round.

As for the 100, I fully endorse what the others have said about getting in as many miles as you can. I like to do a 100k if there is one available (Wellington Boot &/or Fellsman) as it means walking right through the night, and gives me confidence that I can get to the 100 breakfast stop okay. I also try and do a few back-to-back events (Saturday & Sunday), but then I don't have family to fit in with.

I have always put a change of clothes and shoes in my breakfast bag, although I've not always used them; but I always reckon to change socks a couple of times in the course of a 100, and I know one person who advocates putting on new (not just clean) socks every 25 miles.

As far as the mental challenge is concerned, one of the biggest lessons I have learned is that on a long event, I will have a bad spell (and I can be pretty miserable when I am down), but I can come through that, and I will feel better later; in the meantime, it's just one foot in front of the other, and whatever speed you can do is the right speed.

Don't start beating yourself up because you're not going as fast as you think you ought to be going (and there will be times when this happens), because you end up in a negative spiral which is difficult to break out of. Try and address any problems (have you eaten enough/too much? have you drunk enough?) but don't worry about how fast you're going until you feel better. And then learn for next time what you can do to try and avoid feeling bad.

Interesting article in Strider this month by REg Kingston - particularly the part about 'Dumping' - has happened to me twice, exactly as described. Now I know what signs to look out for. We live and learn.
Author: John King
Posted: Fri 14th Dec 2007, 11:54
Joined: 2002
Anne almost touched on what i consider to be the hardest and most overlooked aspect, and that for me is training the mind to push you on beyond what is comfortable, you also need to learn what is normal discomfort, and what is pain that could lead to long term injury.
Plus if an event includes night sections then make sure you get some night training done.

Good Luck
Author: Anne Wade
Posted: Thu 13th Dec 2007, 15:12
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Heart of England
PS This thread should have a different title - 100 tips!!
Author: Anne Wade
Posted: Thu 13th Dec 2007, 15:11
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Heart of England
Where to start??........ Agree with Peter - do as many challenge walks as you can to sort out kit, equipment, eating and drinking - all done by trial and error for each individual. Listen to all the advice and take on board or ditch what does or doesn't work for you.

When you get the route description, plot the route as carefully as possible on the maps. Study it intently for at least two weeks before the 100. Decide whether you are going to use the RD or map as your prime source of navigation. Then make notes from one to the another as appropriate. I usually use the RD with notes added from details on the map, e.g. tick off features along the way, approx distances, ascent/descent etc. By the time you actually walk the route, you will have a mental image of it in your mind - a kind of memory map! I find this helps massively, because you know where you are on the route and can visualise it as you go along. In effect, you have already done it mentally - it's just the physical bit to do!
Posted: Mon 10th Dec 2007, 23:25
Not too experienced in 100 preparation, but here is what worked for me in my one and only successful year. Do as many challenge walks as possible from January to the end of April. Harden your feet, and get your challenge kit sorted, shoes, socks, creams, lotions and potions. Find out what foods and drinks suit you, have a little treat waiting for you in your breakfast bag. I am sure more experienced 100 completers will offer more tips. Good luck
Posted: Mon 10th Dec 2007, 20:06
Firstly I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere gratitude to Fiona Cameron & Brian Harwood, who both helped me to complete my first ever 50 mile qualifier for 2008 - 100 mile event. However, quite ironical really as it was Fiona who prompted me to enter during a previous discussion on the 100 mile forum. What a day we had, it was certainly no picnic (some advise ha ha). I am now considering what I should do next in preparation for the 100 miler, would anyone like to offer me any suggestions.

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