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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - LDP website

Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Sun 18th May 2008, 18:12
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
There's a good LDP site, with collected links for many paths in the UK and a clickable map, at: .

[Helen Southall]
Author: Dennis Gilbert
Posted: Fri 8th Feb 2008, 19:02
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
Thank you all for your help. Yes, I can get details as you suggest
Author: Paul Lawrence
Posted: Fri 8th Feb 2008, 18:33
Joined: 1993
Local Group: London
They are all there as Peter says. The links are below. If you've used the Search by Path screen it's likely it's due to apostrphe's and mis-spelling. The trick is to put in the minimum text (search string), like for Anglesey Coast Path start with 'angle'. This will return a list you can pick from. Give it a try. There are some notes on the Search by Path page. Contrary but it works. If you need any more information you can use the Contact Us button on each page to send us a query.
Millennium Way - Isle of Man
Raad ny Foillan (Isle of Man Coast Path)
Anglesey Coast Path
Reiver's Way
Beacon Way
Posted: Fri 8th Feb 2008, 18:09
I'm not an expert but I found 4 of your routes in about 2 minutes.

Click on "Search by path" then area, ie Wales for the Anglesy coastal path, Lancashire & IOM for Millenium Way.

Have a play around, Paul and John, along with many helpers have put so much work into this service for us all.
Author: Dennis Gilbert
Posted: Fri 8th Feb 2008, 16:05
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
I've been trying to get more information about three ldp's I'm going to do and one I have recently done but they do not appear on the website. The walks are The Reivers Way, the Beacons Way, the Isle of Anglesey coastal path and the Isle of Man Coastal path together with the Millenium Way. Are these not yet listed, although they are in the handbook, or am I doing something wrong?

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