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Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Mon 10th Apr 2023, 16:57
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Just to let you know, That Satmap are longer trading.But you can download a Satmap app.

EXPEDIDITION 2 onto your phone.Will give you the same benefits as sat map ,But you have to pay for mapping by tokens.Which you can buy.
Shame as was a good gps.
The Garmin Montana 700 series would be the best equivalent on the market to buy @ about £700
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Mon 14th Sep 2020, 21:04
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Satmap 10

Ive swoped my old Satmap 10 for a Satmap 12 plus discount.
Good deals from Satmap at moment, Longer lasting battery and if you have a Satmap 12 you can get a good deal on a Satmap 20 as well
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Fri 23rd Feb 2018, 19:41
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
So i paid £220 for a New Satmap 12 with a£100 Off for the old Satmap 10,Which Was falling apart
So whats New faster and High res the same as Satmap 20
Battery and Cards the same.
The Satmap 20 battery is a slot in and Maps Atr on a smasket Card.
I Aldo got another battery and a Rubber protective Case that come with the Satmap at No extrakostnaderna worth £65 so realt i got a New Satmap for £150.Which i think is a Hood deal
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Fri 23rd Feb 2018, 0:43
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
£100 cash in for Satmap 10
Ive just got £100 for my old Satmap 10

I got got a New one for £220 cash with. £100 discount
Author: Bill Lancashire
Posted: Fri 19th Jan 2018, 10:22
Joined: 2003
Local Group: South Wales
Has any LDWA Member had any experience with the new Satmap Active20?.

I got the opportunity to have a short 'play' with one when I was shown one by someone involved in development of it's firmware. It seems much more rugged than the '10' or '12' and first impressions suggest it should be very suited for event purposes.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Thu 18th Jan 2018, 16:48
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Yesterday's 40 miler seemed to prove to me that a major part of the Satmap 12 failing to lock in to satellites is the silicon waterproof housing.
I turned the unit on before leaving home then drove to the start. Once there, I saw that it had a good satellite signal & knew where I was.
After about 6 hours I noticed that the battery was low and I thought that I heard a beep or two (possibly a 'battery low' sign?). Soon after when I stopped in a cafe for lunch, I took the unit from the silicon housing, changed the battery, put the back on, then put it back into the silicon housing. I didn't give it a second thought. A little while after I'd started walking again, I checked the Satmap. 'No Signal'!!!! The weather hadn't changed; still clear, sunny, no clouds & cold, so extra cloud cover couldn't be the problem. I held it aloft as I walked for several minutes but still no signal.
I have for ages had the suspicion that the silicon housing might be a problem, so I removed it from the housing and waved it aloft again. within 5 minutes it had found enough satellites to get a fix and with 20 minutes it had locked onto 8 satellites. Another tick in the 'silicone housing causes signal problems' box.
It would seem that the housing only seems to affect the unit's ability at the initial lock-in. After it's locked in, I can put it back into the housing and it will happily continue to receive 8 satellite signals.
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Fri 30th Dec 2016, 15:23
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
cheers tony

for reply.i must say I do keep my satmap10 in waterproof cover.
so perhaps that helped,I will see how many more years I can
get out of my satmap 10 before I buy a new one
Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Fri 30th Dec 2016, 10:44
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
You have done very well to get 6 years out of the buttons and seals. Mine lasts a couple of years max before it has to be refreshed. I agree that £40 is quite a good deal, but last time they fitted a Satmap 12 screen which is a slightly different size and obscures the edges of the display.
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Sun 25th Dec 2016, 14:28
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
After six years. I am putting my Satmap 10 in for a service
All the rubbers Have deteriorated and are falling apart
So I look forward to my sat map 10 being returned back
And all for a cost of £40
I think thats a good deal
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Mon 22nd Aug 2016, 23:36
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
You should not need to take the battery out.
It always powers off for me.
Before charging, always switch on and wait till it starts looking for satelites. The plug in your charger, wait for the lightning flash symbol. Then switch off.

If this does not work there must be a fault.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Mon 22nd Aug 2016, 7:13
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
During yesterday's walk the Satmap powered off as I had only started with one bar on battery. Back at the hotel I plugged it in to recharge it. It immediately powered up because it hadn't powered off, merely hibernated. So while recharging I powered it off. Oh when will I learn my own lessons? This morning after a night on charge, the battery had achieved just one bar! I had ignored my rule to turn it off and remove the battery before trying to recharge it, just as I have posted here before. Double ARRRRRGH!
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Sun 21st Aug 2016, 18:08
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Currently in Chamonix with Tour de Mont Blanc map in Satmap. I used this card last year so I know that it works. Turned on unit this morning but would it find my current position? NO! Would it see the map card? NO! Spent hours turning it off and on, reinserting map card, rubbing map card connectors. Sometimes it would show my position, sometimes it would give the name of the map card, sometimes the preloaded TMB track segments but it never show the bloody map! After about three hours it finally decided to show the map!!!! ARRRRRGH.
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Mon 20th Jun 2016, 15:26
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I am surmising that the hibernate & charge-hibernate modes are different. I have not asked SATMPAP. I just get that impression.
I have trained my self to be patient and careful about charging. I do not normally do patience!
Let me know abt you map layer probs.
I do not usually find problems but just occasionally one of the scales, usually 1:25 fails to show and 1:10 instead. Sometimes thisis becasue a square is missing and sometimes its just the unit being cussed.
You never told me what you thought of my notes. I do not think they are a fun read, but members of my walking club seem to find them useful, but I guess after abt 6 weelks familiarity they become superfluous. But I would be interested in what you thought.

I am certainly quite addicted to my Active 12 now. My wife and I like looking at our completed walk on the computer when we get back home. I can keep all my routes and only wish they had been available in 1962 when I started walking often!
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Mon 20th Jun 2016, 14:33
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Raymond, it's interesting that you think that there are 2 hibernate modes; hibernate & charge-hibernate. How are we (owners) supposed to tell the difference?
I note your point about charging being slow if it's not put into one of the hibernate modes. That's exactly the point I was trying to make at the start of this most recent exchange, except that charging isn't slow, it unbelievably slow.
The reason that the charging flash doesn't appear immediately when connected to the charger is that it's a digital device not an analogue device, so some piece of computer code has to fire up and recognise the incoming current then decide what to do. The delay is probably a deliberate piece of code to make sure that it's not a transient current then it will display the flash symbol.
The reason that I now always disconnect the battery is that more than once I thought I'd turned off the S12, only to find that I hadn't and that it had only gone into hibernation thus very slowly discharging the battery. I think this may have been caused by trying to do things too quickly and confusing the poor software. I think a symptom of this is that it appears to power off much quicker than normal (it's not OFF of course, but in hibernation).
Our woes continue......
Some other time we must discuss zooming & swapping map layers ... Arrrrrrgh
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Mon 20th Jun 2016, 13:37
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I am not sure I understand you there because I do not know if you are referring to what you do or what SATMAP does in response

So I will go through what I do.
If I plug in the gadget when it is off, it switches itself on and I wait until it is booted.

Normally, if it is off or in hibernate I switch it on before plugging in. Either way, after plug in, I wait for the lightning flash (which mysteriously can take a few seconds despite electricity travelling at the speed of light!)
When I see the flash I switch off and the gadget then goes into a special charging hibernate mode. If you leave it on at this point recharge will be very slow. I have never tried hibernating it, and would not do so.

In the morning I switch it on and unplug. When the lightning flash disappears I either switch it of for into hibernate depending on my plans
For 2 years I have been using it 2 or 3 times a week with few problems

Odd times it surprises me, I switch on and it acts as thought it was really off and not in its special hibernate mode, and odd times it comes on which a GPS signal and the correct maps showing, instead of me having to take it outside and wait.

And yes if I had a cat I would certainly put it out first!
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Mon 20th Jun 2016, 9:20
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Well that's clear then.

One problem remains, though: do I put the cat in, or out, before hibernating ?

Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Sun 19th Jun 2016, 23:18
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Raymond, you've hit the nail on the head. You manually put it into hibernation before charging if it is already turned on. It would appear that it also goes into hibernation when automatically turning on when a charger is attached. But if it's already turned on when connected to a charger it doesn't hibernate which then continues to use all the current from the charger but without charging the battery.
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Sun 19th Jun 2016, 22:01
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
John. I have not had this problem. I always try to make sure the Satmap is on before I plug in. If I plug it in when it is off I tend to do something while it is booting up and then forget to switch it off! So I have it on, plug it in, check the lightning flash is showing and then switch off. At the end of a walk I usually put it into hibernate so its ready to charge.
In the morning I switch on, unplug, check the lightning flash has gone and then either switch off or hibernate, depending on what I am doing next.
I never unplug the battery to make sure.
I did get a suprise recently when I had been charging overnight and when I swtiched on it was properly off and I had to wait for it booting up. But it was charged.

My walks are usualy 6 or 7 hours and I rarely run out of charge
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Sun 19th Jun 2016, 17:26
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Oh when will I EVER understand my Satmap 12?
I thought that I'd got to grips with the battery charging process, consisting of plugging the charger in, leaving it overnight, unplugging the next morning, turning it off, removing the battery (just to make sure that it's really OFF) and finally replacing the battery. I have done that twice in the last 3 days, resulting in a fully charged battery.
This morning, after doing what I thought was the same procedure, I found that the battery was in the same state as when I plugged it in last night, namely just one red battery bar. It couldn't have been NOT charging because it would have drained the remaining charge in that time but it couldn't have been charging either because the charge hadn't increased; a true Schrödinger's cat paradox.
Later I realised what I'd done differently last night; I hadn't turned the S12 OFF before I'd plugged in the charger, so the new charge had been powering the device without affecting the battery charge state. Arrrrrgh!
So now my above procedure will have a new part one: Turn off device before plugging in charger (despite the fact that this will turn the device ON). I think the difference lies in it being ON vs HIBERNATING.
I hope that this helps others with a Satmap.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Tue 1st Mar 2016, 11:35
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Just a note that there's been a new version of the software for the Satmap 12. The new version is 3.0.9915.11 (or similar).
I uploaded it a few weeks ago from their website & it seems to be more stable than the previous (Version 2.something).
It also has some new features.
Posted: Thu 30th Jul 2015, 13:31
Regarding Map loading.

The Platinum map cards (which can contain up to 16GB of data) do take a while to load so I've taken to loading them before leaving home and then hibernating the Active 10 for 1-4 hours, just turning on when I arrive at the destination to allow satellite location. In an email with Satmap, that's what they would advise although you won't find that advice on their website as far as I am aware.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Tue 19th May 2015, 9:01
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
I found a peculiar bug last weekend in Satmap 12. I downloaded the Rhonda Rollercoaster gpx file and using Satsync, copied it onto the Satmap 12. The name of the file was rrctrack.gpx
In Satsync I could see this file on the Satmap12 after I'd copied it. However, when I went to the 'routes' menu on the Satmap12 there was no sign of this file, so I copied it again (over-write) but still couldn't see it. Using Satsync I renamed the file on Satmap12 to RRCtrack.gpx but still no sign of it in the 'routes' menu.
Eventually, on the PC I renamed rrctrack.gpx to 'Rhondda RC.gpx', copied again to the Satmap12 and at last this file appeared in the 'routes' menu & I was able to activate it.
So it seems thatthe device is fussy about file names. Without further testing, all I can say is that a 'space' character and/or some uppercase may be needed in the file name before the file can be seen.
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Sun 29th Mar 2015, 11:04
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Barbara & Nick
5 hours is a lot less than what I get. Have you read my post from a few weeks back on the correct charging method?
I admit most of my walks are daytime and I only look at the screen from time to time - I usually have map case as well, presumably these work in the dark if you have a head torch :) .
Apols if you already know the following
If Satmap ignore your e-mail phone them up - I have always found them good on the phone.
In Satsync there is a reinstall software option in Help
Author: John Lay
Posted: Thu 26th Mar 2015, 16:27
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Surrey
Compatibility of Satmap 10 with the iMac OS X Yosemite system
Previously I was using Windows 7 to convert a social walk gps log over to Google Earth where the coordinates had to be converted to a 'KMZ"file ( don't ask me what this means,I'm no tech. , just know the right buttons to push). Now I've changed the system over to a Mac, the Satsync link I notice is the BETA version, Satmap assures me that this is up-to date & that it should doesn't.
I've got all the right plug-ins installed : MS Silverlight , Java .etc. Can anybody tell me where I'm going wrong please ?
Author: Barbara Stephens
Posted: Mon 23rd Mar 2015, 10:56
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Northumbria
Battery life. A couple of months ago I updated a Satmap 10 and halved the battery life. This has happened before, and the fix was to undo the update and redo it. Satmap have omitted the facility to undo an update from the new website. They have been less than helpful. They reiterated the advice on the website and then asked what batteries we use. My reply was one of the emails which appear to have been simply ignored.
We are now up to about 5 hours, provided it turns off every 3 seconds - not very helpful if navigating in the dark.
Does anyone have any suggestions, please? What batteries give the longest life? We abandoned the LiPol battyer a long time ago after trying to remove it and insert the battery carrier on a cold wet night.
Nick Hooper 25726
Author: Louise Whittaker
Posted: Fri 6th Feb 2015, 20:14
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Staffordshire
Wow!! Posted my SatMap 10 for servicing on Monday. Satmap kindly expedited it - and it is sitting in the local post office ready for collection {sign on delivery}. I'll check it out soon - and see if I can detect an improved performance.
Author: Louise Whittaker
Posted: Thu 5th Feb 2015, 23:16
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Staffordshire
Regarding the battery life instruction - this is a revelation. I've been very puzzled about why the battery life on my SATMAP 10 seems to have reduced [compared with when it was new]. I thought it was age related [as my device is now about 8 years old]. I've just sent it to be serviced.
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Fri 19th Dec 2014, 17:02
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I have not found Satmap remote when I contact them and until a few days ago they may not have known abt this site.
The manual is not totally clear on some matters and here are 2 bits of what I hope is clear info on 2 issues that annoy people.
If you are happy with your Active 10/12 these points will not be news.
I have had some discussions with Satmap on these issues.

Battery Life. When you plug into the charger, the unit switches on and you have to wait a minute or two to turn the screen off. It is therefore handy to switch it on before you plug in the USB cable, so you can switch off immediately when you can see it is charging, otherwise your battery will drain. Note that when charging, the device is actually in hibernate mode. Therefore once the charging is complete you will need to turn the screen on to then completely turn off the GPS. If you haven't teased this info from the manual you could get the impression battery life is poor.

Map Loading. SD cards containing lots of data (such as the Platinum maps) can take up to 5 minutes to load, so it is useful to do this a few minutes before the start of a walk. Put in the SD card and wait. The device will say ?SD card inserted? and beep to signal this. The ?book cover?, the list of available maps, will eventually appear on the ?Position Info Screen? and then you can click ?view map? to load the mapping. Until then the Map Packs button may be greyed out. Do not try to change scale while the map is loading.
I have found switching on 5 minutes or so before getting to my destination has got rid of the frustration with this feature.

There are pros and cons with all the various GPS providers. I can see why some people like Garmin
My own experience of buying train tickets using a touch screen on a rainy day makes me happy about Active 10 buttons.
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Tue 9th Dec 2014, 18:17
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Yes it is odd, on zooming in/out and can take a while to sort out 1:50 K from 1:25K from street or base maps. I find it inexplicable that Satmap are so remote from the criticisms they get on sites such as ours. They seem immune from any suggestions for improvement. I have used Satmap for 6 years but they are still a remote supplier, no empathy with the user, not really acceptable
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Sun 30th Nov 2014, 14:40
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Well I've had my Satmap since 2008 5-6 yrs it is a great product for long distance walking and events
Their are a few problems with the Satmap 12. I am sure it will be ironed out soon.I will stick with my Satmap 10 for a few more years.
I was lucky to acquire a few of the sd map cards,When a sports shop was closing down.
Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Wed 26th Nov 2014, 22:08
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Wed 26th Nov 2014, 13:44
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
At Peter Steckles's suggestion I have posted a link to this thread to SatMap in case they weren't already aware of it.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Mon 24th Nov 2014, 10:51
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
I have a Satmap12. One of my bugbears is with zooming & switching layers. If you zoom out too far on a particular layer (say for instance on the base map layer), when you attempt to switch to another layer (say, 1:50,000), nothing happens even if you haven't panned across the map. It took me ages to find that you have to zoom back in to a certain degree (don't know exactly how much) before you can switch layers again. I can't remember if this occurs between all layers or just from the base maps layer to the other layers.
If you don't know about this bug, this can give the impression that certain layers won't display (this might explain Raymond Wilkes's friend's problem with not being able to display the 1:25,000 layer all day).
It seems to me that if the device knows enough about one's position to be able to show your position on the base map, there ought to be no reason why it can't display the layer that you tell it to display.
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Sun 23rd Nov 2014, 22:01
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Today my Active 10 found my location with in minute or two. My friends Active 12 also found the location but would not load anything but the base map all day!
Don't smash it against a rock! If it consistently fails to load the maps within 5 minutes send it back and ask for it to be fixed.
My previous post tells you how to deal with 5 minutes.
Another Satmap Active 12 owner today said GPS is reviewed in 'Country Walking' which puts Active 12 as No 1.

Despite quite a few annoying hitches I am really pleased with My Active 10 which I might never have purchased but for the offer which came out just after I joined LDWA!

Thanks LDWA!
Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Sat 22nd Nov 2014, 19:37
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire
This post seems to have attracted 20,500 views...!

Clearly, of great interest... :-)

SatMap could do worse than monitor this thread. It would give them food for thought, and help them improve what is, by all accounts, a very good product.

Well, mine would be if it didn't take so damned long to find the satellites and start up :-(

When it is working its great. When I'm waiting for it to start up - I could smash it on the nearest rock... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Fri 21st Nov 2014, 19:26
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I cannot say I have a considered opinion, but I have seen an Active 12 as someone else in our walking club now has one

Map loading seems as slow!

I usually contrive to switch my Active 10 on a few minutes before I need it and this usually serves me well.

I switch on and then put on my gaiters, hats gloves etc as required. Or I switch on abt 5 minutes before our club coach or a bus gets to the walk start.

I find it sometime seems to load instantly and other times it can take up to 4 minutes.

The Active 12 screen is a lot clearer to read. You might be able to have a lower back light setting to prolong battery life

I am hoping to compare the altimeter withe satellite sometime soon.
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Fri 21st Nov 2014, 17:46
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
I'm on my second Satmap, after some 6 years, still on the 10+. Most annoying feature now is the extended time it seems to acquire the 1:25,000 maps. Base map and 1:50,000 come on pretty quickly but the more useful 1:25K can take ages to show.

Anyone out there who has a considered opinion on Active 12 v Active 10 gizmo?

Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Fri 17th Oct 2014, 10:31
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I have just received my Satmap Active 10 back from a repair within warranty.
The USB seal has been replaced and is a much more substantial one than when new.
When new the seal was thin and had air gaps in it. The new seal is thicker and solid.
I think a number of faulty batches must have been sent out and I think the problem may now be in the past.
If any of you still have poor USB seals it is worth sending the unit in for repair especially if it is still in warranty.

My other problem was occasional random freezing but it will be a while before I know if this is fixed
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Tue 12th Aug 2014, 19:45
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
An update to the previous post.
I had a look at some of the Satmap videos today ( I still had time for a short walk!)

You can get some idea of what the Active 12 is like to use. It seems some of the screens common to Active 10 and 12 have new names on the 12.
And you only get 1 LiPol battery instead of 2. It will be interesting to see how good the new screen is, when I upgrade after Xmas!

There is a video on the Pro-Shield. The lady make it look so easy removing it, and does not tell you to take care not to rip off the USB cover!

The Video on viewing the maps points out that a new map card will take up to 5 minutes to load. Well we know that now. I find it odd that the slow loading persists for 2 or 3 boot ups, but then usefully speeds up and goes straight to where you are instead of the home base.

Some of the videos are really helpful but do not make up for the manual not being as user friendly as it could be.
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Mon 11th Aug 2014, 21:57
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Some points on previous posts
Satmap say you should send the unit back if a GPS fix takes more than few minutes.
Mine takes 2 or 3 minutes but is sometimes quicker.

If you have the Proshield cover you have to be very careful not to damage the USB flap, its easy to do right once you realise the need - but they should tell you.

Satmap say if you have software aberrations, try reinstalling software or defaulting the settings.

Putting routes in using the Active 10 buttons sounds like hard work, apart from the wear and tear. It is easy with Satsync.

Apparently when connecting to a computer, you should make sure the Active 10 is switched on when connecting and when disconnecting.

I think Active 10 would be much more popular if the manual told you what you needed to know!

My Lipol batteries seem to last about 10hrs, but I am not using every power saving feature possible. There are about 4 settings to save power
Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Sun 10th Aug 2014, 19:42
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
Sadly I have to agree that there are serious issues with the robustness of the Satmap 10. My earlier post raised the problem of rapid failure of the rubber seal protecting the recharge/download connection. Three months after replacement two of the four rubber lugs/hinges holding the seal have failed and it won't be long before the whole thing drops off again. Last week one of the multifunction keys fell off. The GPS has not been heavily used and I don't believe I am too heavy handed.
I agree with JJs comments about the battery connector. Clearly not designed for everyday use, and very fiddly to insert the connector correctly when changing batteries on this year's Hundred!
I have not checked battery life but I would guess around 12 hours. Long enough for a full day's walk but on the Hundred I left the machine in sleep mode much of the time, but still needed to change batteries. I try to remember to charge the battery the night before I use it as it seems to lose charge fairly rapidly if there is a gap between charge and use.
I don't have a serious problem with satellite acquisition. I did the "back garden" test and my Satmap 10 took about 3 minutes to locate, acceptable if not particularly swift, although my old Garmin Etrex 10 only took 90 seconds.
Author: John Jocys
Posted: Sat 9th Aug 2014, 23:28
Joined: 2003
Local Group: East Lancashire
Those considering a SatMap GPS may find this review of interest before they spend their hard earned dosh.
Author: David Holland
Posted: Fri 30th May 2014, 11:30
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Hi Satmap users. Can you help please.
Am making a route in Satmap Expedition. How do I edit this route. When clicking to make the route I often find that I have gone wrong and need to delete say the last 2 clicks. How? Manual says hover over route waypoint....right mouse Delete Point from pop up menu....But I don't get that...a long list but no "Delete Point".
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Sat 24th May 2014, 12:15
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Yes I have had the problem with the rubber on my Satmap and I need to put in for service
But I have never had it serviced before and have had it for 5 yrs
I have upgraded the software a few times
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Tue 13th May 2014, 13:44
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Yes it is a design fault, as is the rubber flap over the SD card, not to mention the side buttons which came off on my first device, bought when they first brought out the "10". I had it serviced (£25), then several came off again and the rubber toggle button. I didn't get it serviced a second time, now £35 or more.

I then bought a new one under the special deal LDWA had which brought a "10" with full GB 1:25K maps at a terrific price. You may think this represents a lot of problems, but I wouldn't be without it and I've tried all the Garmins up to the Montana. I do use it at least twice a week and find it's on for all of a walk, either following a pre-programmed route of my own, or following some other leader's positioning and progress. So, it gets a lot of handling and hammering - maybe I'm ham-fisted?

Did anyone out there get the Satmap12? Impressions?
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Mon 12th May 2014, 22:03
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
You have pointed out a great weakness. One hinge on mine is broken so I will have to keep checking and send it in if another goes.
Has anyone found any adhesive tape which could strengthen it? I am sure there must be something but it would need to be none messy.
Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Fri 9th May 2014, 15:18
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
I love my Satmap but it has what I believe is a weak bit of design. The rubber mini-USB door flexes each time the door is opened to recharge or download, and mine broke off and was lost after a relatively small amount of use. If this happens make sure that you use something (clingfilm?) to maintain the seal and replace the door ASAP.
I failed to do this, and while walking the Pennine Way in a blizzard on Cross Fell water got into the Satmap which slowly died on me. Fortunately the motherboard dried out OK but it cost me £60 for a new screen. An expensive lesson!
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Wed 9th Apr 2014, 21:00
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
On the subject of GPS units. I don't have & GPS & have nwver used one. I have borrowed a friend's old Garmin etrex Summit to help me with an upcoming walk. I have mastered inputting waypoints then joining them to make a route (unfortunately me forgot to give me the PC connector lead, so I have to do it manually). I have walked a test route & waypointed it then did a 'follow' to test it out. My question is, how close to each waypoint do I have to be before the unit recognises that I've been there? Also, if I decide not to visit a particular waypoint, how do I tell it to guide me to the next waypoint?
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Sat 5th Apr 2014, 19:36
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Unplugging battery restored functionality
It also fixed another update problem which was that I could not rename files after update.
Its all OK now I think, but you may wish to do any updates in SATMAP office hours

While walking Southern Uplands way last week I found some of the map tiles were missing. It still recorded the route correctly on the basemap.

Good job I had a paper map!
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Sat 5th Apr 2014, 19:23
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Just installed latest satmap software update

Now I cannot switch the damn thing off

do not update till I post a fix!
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Sat 22nd Feb 2014, 21:26
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
You can download routes from some of these sites but you have to use Satmap maps on the Satmap GPS - but the maps are part of the deal.
Just spent a week in Keswick bagging some of the smaller Wainwrights, The Satmap was invaluable.
If you live within 30 miles N or S of Woolley Edge of M1 discuss witth emn where you want you map boundary between N & S SSD to be.
Posted: Sun 2nd Feb 2014, 18:35
I have only ever used paper maps before but I am tempted to get one of these Satmap devices for my forthcoming trip in France doing the GR 6.
There seems to be a number of options for downloads from the website, including Google maps, Wikiloc, Everytrail, Visugpx and Gpxview. Can these be downloaded on to a Satmap device thus giving my position on the route..?
Author: John Jocys
Posted: Tue 21st Jan 2014, 9:06
Joined: 2003
Local Group: East Lancashire
Be aware that the voucher offering 1/3 off the price of your next map doesn't cover the 'Central' maps SD card - it's full price. I tried to order a card yesterday but was rejected.

Also worth checking (if you buy a SatMap) that the North and South SD cards are actually correct: I ordered and received cards marked as North & South - but found the 'North' SD card was actually another south card, incorrectly marked. I've just posted it back to SatMap for replacement.

Do check your new SatMap when you receive it: reliability of any new product follows a 'bath-tub' graph: high unreliability from new > then good reliability > failing reliability as the product ages. My new SatMap failed after a week - although it was replaced very quickly.

I'd be interested in the battery life that SatMap useres are experiencing.

Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Wed 15th Jan 2014, 19:41
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
There is a new software update, last few days..
For those who have not seen a Proshield cover: My new Pro cover is a bit fiddly to fit but OK. Buttons work fine. It has 2 lugs to which I have fitted split rings like the ones on the lanyard so I can just clip the lanyard on or off. It will clearly be much more water resistant, partly because the cover will hold the SD Card and charge point shields firmly in place.
There are some colours other than orange which arr more attractive but less useful if you were looking for the unit after dropping it!

For anyone very new to Satmap. The joystick is also used as a button and in some tech support e-nails this is referred to as Centre-press, which I have not seen used in the manual. Above the joystick is a rectangular button with a down arrow on it. Looks potentially useful but is decorative only

We could do with an alternative manual based on users experience. I understand other GPS manuals are not brilliant either
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Tue 7th Jan 2014, 23:07
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Yes, I forgot that most important point!
Soon mine will be all orange as I am getting the waterproof cover. The main reason I am telling you this because there seems to be LDWA discounts on all the accessories. Always ask!

Also I live very close to the north/south boundary and they are going to put some extra mapping onto the north SD card so I won't have to swap SDs every time I go to the peak district. Free! Although if too many people ask they might change policy.

Their after sales care seems to be top class, but the manual isn't. I am getting the impression this applies to many GPS systems

So I have asked them a few questions and I will post any interesting/useful replies.
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Mon 6th Jan 2014, 9:03
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
You forgot to say the new Satmap 12 has orange buttons!
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Sat 28th Dec 2013, 23:15
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Satmap 12 Screen will be a better definition screen and it will have more functions. It might have extra security, putting in some code that makes it uniquely your, but i am not sure abt this.
The getting started notes will be in a bigger font, now that would be useful - but not £450 useful.

Satmap 10 seems to offer enough functionality, tells you where you are, where you have been and how many miles, and its not being phased out just yet
You can put your planned route on in advance but that does not appeal to me
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Sat 28th Dec 2013, 20:52
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
I have looked on the web and you can pre order £450.
A bit expensive coming out late jan 2014
One good thing is you can use same maping
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Sat 28th Dec 2013, 18:03
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I am afraid Satmap 12 isn't out yet, but it will be
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Fri 27th Dec 2013, 16:32
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Cheers Raymond never knew a Satmap 12 was out, perhaps that explains some price drops of Satmap 10 if you shop around
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Mon 23rd Dec 2013, 23:05
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I was told at Fishers, Keswick that Satmap 10 will be sold alongside Satmap 12, it will not be phased out. So odd they are discounting it.
I complained to Satmap abt small print on getting started leaflet, it will be better on Satmap 12
I like my Satmap, except for the manual, but I have never had a GPS before. Great having all UK at 1:25k with new prices and this fits well with a 1:50k map in map case.

It has been rained on a lot last week, but ithas not suffered in any way.

Has anyone bought the extra waterproof cover, and if so any comments on ease of use?
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Mon 16th Dec 2013, 20:11
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
I've always said that stamap is the future and here to stay

I see you can buy a card for the coming camel teign oboes dream

Must buy @ £20 if you are doing the 100 and a Harvey map of the route and you cannot
Go wrong
Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Sun 1st Dec 2013, 21:33
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire

That's nice John

Have you kissed and made up then...?
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Sun 1st Dec 2013, 14:02
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
I just took advantage of Satmap's offer of Active 10+ with full UK OS 1:25000 mapping for LDWA members. All for £350.

After using a Satmap Active10 for 5 years it was either get it another full service, or get a new gizmo with all 1:25 mapping now that OS have reduced mapping costs to retailers.

I have used a Garmin Montana for most of this year but having the Satmap again is like having back an old friend.
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Thu 17th Oct 2013, 19:27
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Dear all

What you are all saying is of course correct and true

But if your doing the 100s. The ready made sd card with the route in 1.5 and 1.25 and open road can not be beaten and if its your first hunderd.
is a bonus if you get lost on route
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Sun 13th Oct 2013, 14:55
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
I would try before you buy. I am a Garmin user, but have tried the Satmap and don't like it. The Garmin 62s is very user friendly.

Mapping on a GPSr is always a compromise, due both to the small screen and the available maps. The Satmap screen is slightly larger than the Garmin, but I find in usability terms it makes little difference. The OS maps are raster maps - when you zoom in, everything enlarges, so that labels and icons take up a disproportionate amount of the screen. Garmin Topo maps are vector maps, built up in layers, so that when you zoom in, labels stay the same size (and in fact disappear when you zoom out, to prevent cluttering of the screen.) But neither Garmin or TalkyToaster (also vector) have as much detail as OS mapping. I always carry paper OS maps, but find a GPSr (with an uploaded route) comes into its own on a rainy night, when both maps and the RD are difficult to read by torchlight.
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Fri 11th Oct 2013, 19:44
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
I've posted over several years of my enthusiasm for Satmap. But is this offer just their way of getting rid of stock? Is a new gizmo coming out to leave these models outdated/outmoded?

Author: Simon Leck
Posted: Thu 10th Oct 2013, 19:30
Joined: 1997
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Hi Tony,

Yes... but you'll need to shell out more money if you want 1-25K mapping, which is the expensive bit. However they do come with 1-50K scale mapping for 1/3rd of the country - you select which bit you want. The online maps are quite funky too.

You might also consider the Garmin Oregon and Montana if Go Outdoors is doing a deal.

Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Thu 10th Oct 2013, 15:43
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
As the owner of a very basic Garmin GPS I have looked enviously at these flashy all colour all singing & dancing Satmap gadgets, and now see from a news item that the LDWA has a promotional deal with Satmap, a bundle of goodies for £195. On the face of it this looks like a great deal. Before I give them my credit card details, is it as good as it seems?
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Sat 3rd Aug 2013, 10:21
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
John I've been checking out what you said about the garmin Montana and you are right about the maps.
But any one doing the annual 100 mile walk event,would be better with the satmap ESP with the 100 ads map which Satmap have supplied for the 2nd year.
Nothing easier than putting in a sds with the route on it
But make sure u have enough batts or don't forget to pack them as I did on the games 100
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Sat 3rd Aug 2013, 0:24
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Cheers Peter anything to do with a 100 mile walk ,will always get hits.
On Internet some great Satmap deals,my Satmap also needs a service
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Tue 30th Jul 2013, 12:32
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
Have you tried the Talkytoaster maps? In spite of the lightweight name, they are good. Their path coverage is more extensive than Garmin Topo V2
Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Sun 28th Jul 2013, 22:49
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire
This topic has had over 10,500 views... must be pushing the right buttons (no pun intended)
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Sun 28th Jul 2013, 22:46
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Where did you see satmap for £150? Mine has bits falling off, needs a second general service (now about £35 +p&p). Took a while but I am now fairly happy with the Garmin Montana, so the satmap is parked up in a desk drawer. All are expensive and a big rip off for mapping software.
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Sun 28th Jul 2013, 11:58
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
seen some really good deals on net you can pick up a satmap for about £150
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Tue 10th Jul 2012, 21:48
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
After 4 happy years with a SATMAP I have just bought a Garmin Montana and will let you know how it compares; screen is good but what of its performance?
Author: Jeff Campbell
Posted: Mon 18th Jun 2012, 23:36
Joined: 1984
Local Group: Surrey
I'm considering buying a satnav, and would appreciate reports (good or bad) from anyone using one of them on the Games 100 or any similar event. I am doing the forthcoming WOW 100 where the route description is a mere 4 pages long - rather spartan compared to the nearly 40 pages of the Games 100! The organisers have released a .gpx file covering the route, and it would be very useful to import that into a GPS to be used in conjunction with the route description and a map. With so many on the market I am really unsure which to buy and which offers the most cost effective mapping options. Satnav seem happy to extend the special price offer made at the time of the Games 100, and that makes this particular device (£265 with UK 50K mapping) quite attractive.

I'd appreciate receiving any feedback you might have, in particular relating to the Satmap 10.

Thanks in advance.

Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Wed 16th May 2012, 23:25
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
I like Garmin after using an etrex for years. I have looked up this offer and researched the pros and cons etc. I still favour Garmin even with their "get me" offer.

2 nights on the 100 doesn't tempt me either with their route included. Oh I am hard to get!

I favour hard and rugged.So the Garmin Montana does it for me. I can use and abuse it!
Save up for Christmas.

I will follow the person in front with the Satmap 100 guide on the Games 100!!
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Sat 21st Apr 2012, 10:42
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London

Just brought the games 100 card go Satmap
At a cost of £28.00 plus £ 2.00 post and packing

The route is outlined in 3 routes which you would have to activate as you go along route

You can also switch between street view 100. For the start of route and first 20/30 miles

Then you have 1.25 and 1.50 for to switch between whilst on route

You can add way marks as route description which I have done

Should be really good for night navigation

Great card for the event
Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Wed 4th Apr 2012, 0:17
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi John

Sorry my trying to format the text didn't work. If you give them a ring

Quote Promo Code: LDWA-01 Tel. orders please: 0845 873 0101

Its under merchandise on the Games 100 website

John S
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Tue 3rd Apr 2012, 22:17
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
John - where do I access details of this offer, do I have to ring them, can't find anything online
Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Mon 2nd Apr 2012, 10:23
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
SatMap have produced an offer for entrants to the Games 100. The offer is not exclusive to that group and any LDWA member may take advantage of the special discount to purchase an Active 10 with the associated mapping.
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Wed 28th Dec 2011, 21:19
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Yes Stephen - satmap definitely best and at £300 or so, good value but you need to spend hundreds on the 1:25K mapping. Also not a very robust device - I have had mine 4yrs and just about to send away for second service at £25 +p&p, buttons fall off and carry pouches not good. I use it at least twice a week and over 4 yrs, thats a big usage I guess.
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Tue 27th Dec 2011, 22:23
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Brilliant john s that Satmap are doing a Sds card of the route for the event
Can not wait to get the Sds card when it is out
The garmin sounds good john b but a bit expensive at £750
£300 for the Satmap is a reasonable price and you would have difficulty getting me to use another gps after the satmap
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Tue 27th Dec 2011, 19:41
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Stephen - yes the Satmap is still market leader I reckon, but the new big screen Garmin Montana looks impressive. I would give it a try but it's expensive and the maps add another few hundred quid to it. So I would be looking at £750 to bring Yorkshire 1:25000 capabililty; too much in these days of austerity.
Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Sun 25th Dec 2011, 15:56
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
For those of you who use Satmap I have arranged with Satmap to put the 2012 hundred route plus checkpoints onto a card. Details of the card and special offers from them will be announced soon. John
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Sun 25th Dec 2011, 14:14
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
The Satmap just gets better and better and reading all the blogs is here to stay for a long time and is without doubt the future of gps mapping
And is here to stay
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Mon 1st Aug 2011, 20:03
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Hi Louise

I have a fabric "holster" which came with Satmap 10, I think (4 years ago), which has a loop to fit on a belt, but I put a couple of velcro strips around this loop and on a shoulder strap of my rucksack. I make sure I don't lose the thing by coupling to a carabiner so it's conveniently at chestbone height.
Author: Louise Whittaker
Posted: Fri 29th Jul 2011, 22:32
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Staffordshire
Hi - I really really enjoy my satmap 10 - I wear glasses for reading and peering at maps when out and about becomes a hassle. I can much more easily see the sapmap screen [although I always carry a paper map].
For those folks who already have a satmap 10 - can you please share where you put it. Folks with 'telephone' style GPSs neatly store it away in a little holster on the shoulder strap of their rucksack, where they can easily pop it out and back. The satmap is wider. I usually put it in one of the 'drinks' pockets on my rucksack [where I cannot easily reach it] or use the neck strap. So - please share what you do with your.
Thanks Louise
Author: Paul Allam Neil
Posted: Fri 29th Jul 2011, 20:37
Joined: 2003
Satmap 10 - I have one which needs a good home - contains Derbyshire 1;25,000. Price - well, I'll leave this up to you - anything from £5 upwards which will go towards a local charity with which I am involved - Ashbourne & District Stroke Support - email me at - Im afraid you will have to collect.
Posted: Tue 7th Jun 2011, 17:30
Thought I would add my little bit of knowledge...

I bought my active 10 of the Ebay as a used product, with box and carry case. I paid £130, thinking back now this was one of my best buys this year. I also bought the whole of the Lakes in 1:25K/1:50k Toggleable SD card of £30, the seller was new to ebay and placed it on as a 'buy now' for £30 -wahoo! bought it straight away. I have now walked well over 500 mile using it and I love it.

Here are a few pro' s n cons:-


Mentioned earlier ascent readings seem to go strange sometimes : This is due to the user standing still for too long. When the user is standing still The GPS cant find the height you are standing at so it bounces the signals up and down, nearly always taking the lowest figure as the reading. To stop this you can just keep moving or press pause on the route being recorded - when u stop. If you have 1:25K OS maps loaded you can change the GPS setting to use the OS contours this will be spot on. I am just used to stopping and pausing and the final ascent figures are always within 50 ft of actual, right upto 6,500 ft total ascent.

You only get a correct direction indicator when you are moving...This to begin with was quite embarassing. I would set off and then suddenly have to make a complete 'u' turn sometimes. I now turn the unit on set the route away and then just test it while I 'warm up' walking around in a few wide ish circles.

The compass gets calibrated every time I go for a walk and it will only give an accurate (very accurate mind) reading when standing still and held flat.

Little complicated in getting used to all the settings, 4 panel screens of maps and data etc....took me a few walks but now i find it easy.

Takes a feww mins to acquire signal, once you realise this u get used to it. Time enough to get yer boots on and start to warm up :)


I can get 8-9 hours out of none rechargable batteries if I am following a ruote (using screen)and I can get upto 15 hours out of a set if I am just recording the route (not using screen).

The screen is great, its large, good resolution on maps and well coloured. The screen cover is a god send as well, it takes the scratches and chips that were intended for the actual screen. Once the screen cover is passed its best unclip and replace - easy.

The unit is very very robust, I have dropped it on rocks into peat haggs and puddles and it is still fine.

It is very very water proof as well. I have been on 2 walks this year where it was not stopped raining for 8 hours. My mobile phones broke down on both occasions and my camera took a week to de-mist itself after each walk. The Satmap just kept going..

Singnal strength is very strong (I get 4 sats just sitting in living room), great in bad weather and tree covered.

All in all the Sat Map Active 10 is great. Don't buy brand new and I would suggest just staying with the 10 and not the 10 plus, as the only difference is the 10 plus has a rechargeable battery

Spend a little bit of time on Ebay and you will get a good 2nd hand one for max. £150. Its the SD card that are expensive, I got lucky, you may to - fingers crossed.

Very neat and robust product. However, Always remember to take spare batteries and remember to take a proper map and compass as backup..

-Kevin Smith
Author: Ian Koszalinski
Posted: Fri 27th Nov 2009, 18:46
Joined: 2004
Local Group: High Peak
Author: Ian Koszalinski
Posted: Fri 27th Nov 2009, 18:40
Joined: 2004
Local Group: High Peak
I see memory map have brought out the adventurer 2800 at £250, cheaper than the satmap any chance of doing a comparison? they seem quite similar both use maps on sd both have preloaded national park maps, MM also give 10,000km2 of Digital Map Shop credits
Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Thu 3rd Sep 2009, 18:14
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Further to the recent insert in Strider comes a new service from Satmap. You simply send Satmap a .gpx route file, or other details that allow them to easily identify your chosen route (Google route file, CTC (Cycle Touring Club) or an LDWA (Long Distance Walkers Association) route, for example). The mapping team will then cut you a strip map, with the route and all your (editable) waypoints embedded in the map ? ready for you to use straight away. See Satmap Web Site
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Thu 6th Aug 2009, 14:35
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Great Gizmo! I have used the Active 10 at least twice a week for 12 months on social and challenge walks. But I will start with problems.

Robustness: buttons successfully glued back on! Battery swelled alarmingly but replaced free. Back cover handle broke but replaced without quibble (Satmap people are really helpful) Power pack essential - something like 16hrs intensive use per charge. Consumables? - don't even think about it.

I design routes on Memory Map, download as GPX files to the Active 10 using Satmap's Satsync software (easy and works every time) or download routes from Simon Leck's brilliant "Moorland Challenge" website (I just downloaded Elsecar Skelter ready for this Saturday).

Upgrades in software are frequent and free but gliches persist - ascent numbers are weird, profiles can't be brought over from Memory Map.

I have bought Garmin (ridiculously small screens) and Road Angel Adventurer 7000 (good if they improved battery life)but Satmap is far superior. OK, 1:25K mapping is very expensive - they should do something on this - I only bought my local Yorkshire regions. I also have 1:50K for the whole of GB, not so bad at approx £200.

It has made my walking a lot more fun!
Posted: Tue 4th Aug 2009, 22:44
I read that three times Garfield and am still baffled. I am a nuts and bolts man who is amazed that I can do this, and get the mailing lists for Strider compiled each issue. The reason I park my car next to the study window is to prevent me throwing the computer through it !!!!

Satmap appeals because it is a self contained unit.

I understand the offer to include two National Trail maps, which suits me, I need to finish Offa's, and then am thinking of Hadrian's Wall next spring. Most of my walking is either in Cumbria or here in the North West which only require two SD cards. Decisions, decisions.
Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Tue 4th Aug 2009, 21:15
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
I would be tempted, had I not found ViewRanger about a year ago. The mapping software available includes all 1:50,000 and 1:25,000 maps, as well as European. It runs on any Nokia phone that has a GPS, or can bluetooth to a GPS node. I run it on a spare Nokia N73 linked to a Nokia GPS node (about £30), and it is superbly precise. You can download maps as you are out and about, or you can pre-download them before you set off.
The 1:50,000 pack of all the national parks, including software, is £25. As far as I can see, the only advantage of the Satmap10 is the size of the screen, but - as I found out during the 100 night-section, you can easily navigate by it.
Features in the software include recording tracks, waypointing, importing POI's and drawing the view from where you are standing.
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Tue 4th Aug 2009, 20:47
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
I've been wondering about it as well,Peter. I rang Satmap today and the offer package including case,battery,2 Nat.Trail maps etc is £350. If you want to use the map voucher this goes towards a site-centred map and will add a further £70.
Any other mapping you want/need is then extra. For example the complete GB at 1:50000 is £200 so you can end up spending some serious money.
It's a pity the awaited review is not in this Strider as I would like to see it compared with the latest Garmin Oregon (I think).
I will mull a little longer but wonder what others think?
Author: Paul Burgess
Posted: Mon 3rd Aug 2009, 20:05
Joined: 2005
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
I reckon you should do it Peter. A guy at work has just bought one and rubbed my nose in it when he brought it in to work to show me how it worked. It's a lovely bit of kit with a nice big (in relation to others, Garmins etc) screen so the maps are really easy to view and follow. The only possible downside (in my view) is that the maps come on SD cards, BUT aren't that cheap. They come in areas as opposed to individual Explorer/Landranger sized maps and I think he said cost around £50 each or £70 for a national park? If you have a spare bit of cash though, go for it. I don't think you would be disappointed.
Posted: Fri 31st Jul 2009, 21:41
The special offer in August Strider makes the Satmap even more desirable. Anyone bitten yet? Can anyone give me a reason NOT to take the plunge?
Author: Michael Scanlon
Posted: Sun 28th Jun 2009, 14:46
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Dorset
I have been looking for something like this for so long, though now it has come out I am reluctant to purchasing one as I presently own a Garmin 60CSx. I would go for the plus version with a Full GB 50k map, which presently comes to around £550. Its a lot of money for something I don't really need.
However saying that, with the GPS I own, I still need paper maps, due to the short fall in the Garmin Topo Maps, in being able to give a clear detailed lay of the land; in contrast to the symbology of Ordnance Survey maps.
With the cost of the Satmap SD card maps and the fact that they are not upgradeable, I'm not quite ready to part with my money. However this piece of kit certainly looks like something that I'd want in the future.
Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Mon 2nd Feb 2009, 23:17
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
The Satmap Active 10 is now listed on our website at
LDWA GPS Devices
Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Fri 23rd Jan 2009, 17:23
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
The LDWA have been contacted by Satmap and they have given us an Active 10 to evaluate. Simon Leck is going to compare the unit which is very robust with another GPS unit. He will write an article for Strider. Satmap have a stand at the Outdoors Show in Birmingham (27-29 March 2009) and have invited the LDWA to be present on their stand. Customers of Satmap will soon be able to access their website to plan and download routes from an online server in 1:25000 format.
Author: Karen Jarvis Morgan
Posted: Tue 20th Jan 2009, 15:18
Joined: 2005
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I was just wondering if you could make copies of SD maps and do swaps so one person doesnt have to buy the whole lot as they are expensive, I know this isnt totally legal :-(
Posted: Thu 1st Jan 2009, 11:03
I am just about to purchase a gps and favour a Satmap Active10 but have been told how good the new Garmin Oregon 400T is (considerably higher cost). Anyone had experience of either? I do like the idea of using OS maps on the Active10.
Comments on the atributes of Memory Map and Anquest would also be of help.
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Sun 13th Jul 2008, 14:56
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Their is now a newer upgrade,making the satmap 10 even better. The new upgrade version 1.189 allows you to pick up sats with the device indoors.
this is trully a good satmap and the pan to grid on the map allowing to see where you are going before you get their.
I WOULD HIGHLY reccomend this sat gps.
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Wed 4th Jun 2008, 21:32
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
All new sds cards,Have the latest upgrade and is a vast improvement on sat pick up and time of lock in to sats.
Just a few more ironing outs and we will have a good gps
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Tue 1st Apr 2008, 21:20
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
Not glitch free, according to the users.

Think I'll stick with my Garmin, paper maps and compass for a while longer.
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Tue 1st Apr 2008, 20:43
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
I don?t know why you had trouble picking up satellites from under the trees or in bad weather. The Satmap 10 has a SiRF Star3 chipset, the same as my Garmin GPSMap60Cx, and it had no trouble. Maybe it is the difference between the Garmin quad helix antenna and the Satmap patch antenna, though I?d have thought that for most practical purposes there?d be little difference. How does putting in an SD map card improve hardware reception? I envy you your big screen and loadable OS maps.
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Mon 31st Mar 2008, 19:12
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Used satmap active 10 on surrey tops ,due to weather could not pick up sats.
But when i got home got sds upgrade,Which makes it easier to pick up sats in poor weather and under a canopy.AND LOCKS on to sats now in poor conditions.
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Mon 31st Mar 2008, 12:08
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
The Satmap looks good. Being able to use proper OS maps is a huge bonus over the contour maps which Garmin currently offer (I have a Garmin GPSMap 60Cx with GB Topo v2). The bigger screen is also good. But neither the maps nor the unit are cheap. I?d like to see evidence of robustness and longevity before I bought one. And it will never replace the route description on a Challenge ? it can?t tell you to ?cross the stile 3 yards to the right of the track running parallel?.
Author: John King
Posted: Thu 27th Mar 2008, 20:57
Joined: 2002
unless the batteries run out :-)
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Wed 26th Mar 2008, 18:51
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Has any one used the new satmap 10.Its a gps that you can have os maps on a sds card that you slot into the gps.No excuse for ever geting lost again

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