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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Early challenge walks (Letter Strider110): Three Peaks (Dales) ex Settle/Giggleswick

Author: Allan G H Gould
Posted: Sun 20th Apr 2008, 16:24
Joined: 1992
Local Group: Nidderdale
I note the letter by John Sparshatt (Strider 110) referring to an item in a 1949 Dalesman (by Norman Thornber) about the first known record of a 3 Peaks walk in 1887 by two Giggleswick School masters. The route was Giggleswick-Ingleborough-Whernside-PyG-Gigg and notes figures of 27 miles and 10 hours which is interesting.

I would suggest (having done the same walk last summer, albeit starting in Settle) that a truer figure would be 36 miles (and we took 16 hours).


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