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Discussion Forum - Events - ALL SHAP - PED OUT

Author: Carole Elizabeth Engel
Posted: Wed 14th Sep 2005, 23:19
Joined: 1998
Local Group: Calderdale
Thanks Tony - Ring 1 was a great route. I was one of many who requested rings 1 and 3 and would like to let you know nice and early that I would very much like to be able to have this option next year. I am also quite happy for you to open CPs on the same schedule as you did last year, thereby keeping marshalling staff to this years levels and making sure I get to the CP on Ring 3 to suit YOUR opening time. Problem solved?
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Tue 21st Jun 2005, 21:23
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
Well,it came & went at last - Cumbria LDWA's day in the sun and I don't suppose many involved (110) will forget it in a hurry. Some disappointment on the Mosedale Ring with mist on the tops obscuring views was offset by the excitement of seeing little-known Swindale's magic.The real problems began on the Rivers Ring where oppressive heat & humidity took their toll.
Statistics show that only 11 super men & women could summon up the energy to leave Shap for the third time & eventually complete the 100 K. All credit, however, to the many who staggered on to do 42 miles in these conditions. Slightly easier & a lot more fun, I expect, was the lot of those who opted for one Ring.
In retrospect more water was required early on in Ring 2 - a lesson for the future. Late requests for Rings 1 then 3 were noted but, hey, we can't suddenly put extras on with only 2-3 days notice. We are only 13 in group of whom only 11 + relatives & friends were available for the event.Similarly a 6am suggested start seems a tad unreasonable to request - there was little enough sleep to be had anyway.
We hope to go again next year (?17.6.06) if anyone fancies coming back for more. Any other comments, suggestions queries or complaints will be gratefully received.

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