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Discussion Forum - Events - Yoredale 100

Author: Nigel Dean
Posted: Fri 30th May 2008, 12:53
Joined: 1989
Local Group: West Lancashire
I was offered the larger but I?m not one for alcohol at the best of times so declined.

Martin you were not the only one to see the stoat. As I approached a gate less gap in the wall across the track a stoat came bounding out from behind the right hand wall across the track until in front of the left hand wall seemingly oblivious or unconcerned with my approaching presence less than 25 foot away. It stopped momentarily looking at me before nonchalantly retracing its steps across the track to behind the right hand wall. When I passed through the gap and looked right I saw it disappear into the base of the wall about 20 foot away. It must have been watching for me to appear. Extraordinary!
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Thu 29th May 2008, 19:14
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
yes, we were offered lager I think (something in a bottle anyway!) But we were too tired to accept! It seems a bit dream like at that stage! Even the tea was difficult to down then! Did I even drink the tea? If someone had offered morphine/amphetamine combo I would have accepted! Just the job to get down from Draughton Moor,what causes such a pitted/rutted surface?! In the dark it was a nightmare! And never ending. I should have accepted the lager I think- a few bottles as well.
Author: Martin Callow
Posted: Thu 29th May 2008, 14:39
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Dorset
I agree with all the comments especially the magic of Bolton Priory coming into view. We saw a young stoat somewhere just before that which came quite close to us (hadn't learnt any better). No-one's mentioned the lager at Addingham (I didn't want to risk it though sorely tempted.) Thanks for everything.
Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Wed 28th May 2008, 18:55
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
West Yorkshire Group of the LDWA are indebted to all those people who gave their time to assist in making the Yoredale 100 the success it was. Without their time,organisational skills, general willingness and expertise I and other members of the committe would not have been able to present such an event. In due course a printed report will be sent to each entrant and assisting Group.
Author: Roy Turner
Posted: Wed 28th May 2008, 17:25
Joined: 1988
Local Group: Vermuyden (South Yorks)
Once again the 100 is a triumph. This time "THE YOREDALE". All the usual mix. Good route, Scenery, Food,Fizzy drink,thank God!!More choice please!! Joy, Sorrow,Friendships,Blisters&Pain, to the lucky ones Euphoria of finishing,gets better each year.Plus the little things that linger in your mind. For me i think "BUCKDEN" With the cheese & jam wraps/pancakes a county delicacy i believe.They worked for me,no tummy problems rest of the walk.Most scencere thanks to all helpers who made a memorable walk /weekend. Congratulations to everyone. Roy.
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Wed 28th May 2008, 14:02
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
I agree with the other comments: wonderful route, accurate and detailed route description, ideal weather, painstaking organization which was proved in the faultless performance at the start, checkpoints and finish, with friendly, helpful and cheerful volunteers at the checkpoints who couldn?t do enough to help us walkers.

Memorable points: the seeming endless night slog up to Kidhow Gate; the lush greenness of the meadows near Bainbridge at dawn, the stony track down to Buckden, the ruins of Bolton Priory, the last few tortuous miles from Addingham. And, of course, being able to stop walking after the finish!

But what really struck me was the courage of the walkers: a woman with her arm in a sling at Kidhow Gate, but pressing on; a man leading the way into Addingham bent sideways like a C over his walking pole; the last man in to the finish, crouched over his poles, dragging himself along, giving a smile and a wave to the cheering crowd (after 48 hours of walking!), but quickly grabbing his pole again so as not to collapse. But the prize for sheer guts went to the couple I saw just beyond Appletreewick: she was crippled with pain, her arm around his neck, his arm around her waist to support her weight, helping her hobble along. She was in agony, but determined to keep going. With 15 miles still to go! And those were just the ones I saw.

Just looking at the results sheets tells the same story: when it takes walkers longer and longer to get from one check point to the next, you think: that?s pain, tiredness, exhaustion gradually enveloping them. Commiserations, Rebecca.

Thanks to West Yorkshire and all the groups manning the check points, and to Raynet and St John Ambulence:
Author: Tim Hughes
Posted: Wed 28th May 2008, 12:16
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Marches
I'd like to offer my thanks to a number of people and to let them know I'm still alive. I twisted my ankle coming down of Ingleborough in the dusk on Sat. but at Horton it wasn't causing a problem so I continued. By Kidhow Gate it was pretty sore so I strapped it up thinking I'd reassess it at Hawes. The 5 1/2 miles to Hawes was painful and took me nearly 4 hrs. I was eventually rescued about 1/2 mile from the breakfast stop. After a brief sojurn in the firstaid room where a suspected broken ankle was diagnosed, I was shipped off to Northallerton A&E. Allthough xrays were done showing a chipped bone, they said that until some of the extensive swelling went down they couldn't rule out other problems. So now I'm home, learning to use my crutches and avoiding looking at future events in strider until I know when I'll be able to get out on one. So my thanks to Jo, Julian and the others in the group who who organised my rescue; to the St John Ambulance team that was doing a sterling job in Hawes; to the ambulance crew who were extremely efficient but also very thoughtful and caring (even if I felt a bit drunk with all the 'gas and air' I was encouraged to inhale); to Val for keeping me company whilst the ambulance crew were getting me ready for the hour long trip to A&E; to my husband, Tim, who dropped out with me because of my accident, and had to get a lift back to Skipton with the breakfast bags in order to collect our car so that we would have transport back from the hospital. And last but not least, my thanks to the organisers for a fantastic event with a brilliant route with beautifully scenic views from all the tops, even if I did only do the first half of the event.
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Tue 27th May 2008, 21:55
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Thank goes to ANDY WARD for originally planning this walk! Thank you Andy.
Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Tue 27th May 2008, 19:01
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
Can I put a word in for the Raynet teams? One of the reasons that the event ran so smoothly was that Raynet maintained commiunications between Control, checkpoints,sweepers and minibuses at all times. I was driving a minibus for the weekend, delivering supplies and collecting retirees, and Raynet ensured that we always went where we were needed and when, helping to avoid the inevitable minor problems becoming crises. No doubt Nick Ham owes the swift return of his camera in part to Raynet. A great job!
Author: Rebecca Lawrence
Posted: Tue 27th May 2008, 18:30
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Marches
Absolutely fantastic event. Big big thanks to everyone involved. Events like these are what walkings all about. DIdn't make it past 79m as my feet were trashed and walking awkwardly made me go over on my ankle. Disappointed but bring on next year! Well done everyone who finished and glad your feet were ok Elton - well done!! Commiserations to those that didn't finish.
Author: Nigel Dean
Posted: Tue 27th May 2008, 18:04
Joined: 1989
Local Group: West Lancashire
Many thanks and congratulations to those who organised (many long hours of unseen effort) and marshalled on the Yoredale hundred. Particularly those who drew the short straws at Draughton Moor and Kidhow Gate, although they probably volunteered anyway. Check points are the oases that keep walkers going and make it a success on the day. No matter how much planning goes on there are always the last minute problems that cannot be anticipated in advance. Organisation on the day was superb as none of these were evidential to me at least.
The route description was very detailed and up to date on the site when I down loaded it last Thursday. I never realised the amendments were on the back of the tally but fortunately I did not need them. The route description was virtually perfect. So detailed that one quickly lost ones place when engaged in conversation but the detail meant you could find the correct number sentence at the next stile.
Hope it did not take too long to clear up at the end. Give yourselves a well deserved pat on the back.
Author: Maria Tymrakiewicz
Posted: Tue 27th May 2008, 15:11
Joined: 2001
I would like to extend my heartiest thanks to the West Yorks group for the excellent organisation and the winderful and varied experience of the Yorkshire Dales.

The 100 is the CHALLENGE of all challenge events, as its not just the mileage we have to contend with but the elements and the will power. And the biggest heroes are the marshalls, without a shadow of a doubt. My thanks to each and every one, but here's few special ones I would like to extend my gratitude: To Gill (from Staffs) for tendering to my blisters so gently and proficiently at Buckden, and to Keith Bailey for putting on my socks! and then supporting myself and Caroline with encouragements and with service on our way to Linton. To Steve Clake for massaging my feet, for Norman Corrin for supporting BBN members so loyally.

The event had its highs and its lows. The views were magnificent and the sun helped to ease the pain. And I thank all the walkers who I met along the way. And I thank West Yorkshire for the experience! Well done!!
Author: Nick Ham
Posted: Tue 27th May 2008, 13:21
Joined: 1998
Local Group: South Manchester
I offer my wholehearted thanks and congratulations to John and the entire crew of helpers. Such care, service and attention to detail bowled me over. It was a triumph.

Having heard the stories about people's eyes, I'm thankful I never converted to contact lenses. The worst I got was an occasional sand blasting to my legs. Some of those mini dust storms whipped up by the incessant gale were an unusual sight for these parts. I certainly appreciated the absence of moisture from above as well as from below. The ground was desiccated for the most part!

I took my camera along to take pictures as I trotted round. However, the 'snapping' came to an abrupt halt at Hawes because I lost my camera. I reported the sad loss at Bainbridge, then as if by magic, my camera was waiting for me by the time I finished. I have no idea where I dropped it and who found it, but I am eternally grateful. Such efficiency. What pictures I did manage to take will be available for wider viewing in due course.

Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Tue 27th May 2008, 11:25
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
The results are on the website. (John Sparshatt)
Author: Fiona Cameron
Posted: Tue 27th May 2008, 9:31
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Surrey
I can only echo the thanks to the West Yorks group for the organisation and all the other groups for their checkpoint support - brilliant! The food was excellent at all the checkpoints, but I particularly enjoyed the quiche salad at Settle, the cheese-y oatcakes at Buckden (a Staffs delicacy) and the rhubard & custard at Linton.

The wind on Ingleborough was deeply unpleasent, and it got even worse on the long drag up to Kidhow Gate, but at least it meant there was no dew overnight, so feet kept dry throughout. When we went over Stake Moss in the mist I thought the rain had caught up with us and we were in for a wet Sunday, but by the time we left the Buckden cp the sun was beginning to break through and Sunday was a beautiful day. I'm not sure what the folk at the Strid and Bolton Priory thought of us all!

Congatulations to everyone who finished; commiserations to those who had to retire; and thanks again to all those who made it possible.
Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Tue 27th May 2008, 8:19
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
When I got back to Skipton someone asked me what my strongest impression of a Hundred was and I said it was the kindness and warmth of everyone at checkpoints. I've never been treated so nicely in my entire life! Other impressions - that b***** wind all the way up Ingleborough. I could pick out everyone wearing contact lenses because, like me, they were all bent double with their backs to the wind and hands shielding their eyes, bellowing out their discomfort. Did the rest of the event with eyes full of gunk (someone said, by the way, that it was lime dust causing the problem) and it made the night section even more interesting than usual. I started hallucinating quite early on, in the dawn light at the Buckden CP where I noticed that someone had cleverly drawn Disney-type cartoons on the floor of the Ladies loo (I now realise it was treadmarks left by trainers). Did anyone else get the white van in the fields on the way to Appletreewick that kept dissolving into boring hawthorn blossom?
The whole thing was a fantastic experience. I'm so grateful to all the Groups who worked their socks off, and completely puffed up with pride that this was my first 100 and I managed to stick it out and complete it.
Author: John Phillips
Posted: Mon 26th May 2008, 20:42
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
What a wonderful weekend - thanks to everyone concerned with the organisation and providers of support on the day.Only when you are there do you get any concept of the organisation involved.

Cameraderie was about as good as it gets.It was particularly great to see indididual walkers forming into groups for the second night and then bonding to ensure that ALL finished - personal desire for times were disregarded for the overall success of the group members.

Food was excellent throughout and the variety ensured that only the very faddy couldn't be satisfied.I almost felt each group were trying to outdo the others - I will not nominate a favourite as you all deserve an award.Waiter/waitress service with a smile as well - better than most (if not all) restaurants!Now need to go on a diet - had to push car seat back to get my stomach behind the wheel.

My first tine at this distance and hopefully the first of many.I assume the pain will eventually fade but the euphoria will last longer.

Thanks again
Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Mon 26th May 2008, 20:41
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
It's difficult to imagine a "Thank You" big enough to express how I feel. At every checkpoint - including the start - everyone was so happy and helpful. After the long, cold and windy haul over Stake Moss I recall the lovely smiles and laughter at Buckden; the cacophony, but brilliant pasta at Horton; ingenious premises at Addingham and Bolton Bridge. Stalling Busk and Semer Water are now on my list of places to revisit in less-hurried days. Everywhere the food was excellent and plentiful. Well done!

I'm sure as we were all bobbing up and down the fells, the support crew were also beavering away - organising the collection of retirees; delivering extra food; vigilant Raynet staff reading eye-crossing lists of numbers. Almost four days of constant effort - and all voluntary. "THANK YOU" to you all. Garfield
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Mon 26th May 2008, 19:36
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
A very well organised and superb event! Brill. An event and Group (West Yorks) effort that reflects what the LDWA is all about. Walking in the company of nice folks with great support. And have a laugh on the way!
Thank you to West Yorks and ALL the Check point groups. It is great to get such warm cheerful greetings when arriving at check points knackered!
these events are like giving birth- so painful at the time, but you forget the pain and remember the pleasure! And then think I will do that again!
I wish i had a camcorder though to take those sights of folks hobbling, scoffing, walking sideways(those poor backs!),chatting and running/walking.
And thanks to the Addingham Village residents for escorting two lost ladies into the school house! Thanks to the fella at Bolton Bridge checkpoint who took two lost ladies and 1 gent to a safe place on route to Addingham. Many thanks to the Scout Group at kidhow gate! Was that tea needed! And finally God! Thanks for the fine dry weather,but oh did you you have to give us the wind!!

Well done to all who completed and all who tried. To those who walked through 2 nights with blisters,bad knees,pulled muscles etc and bad backs - well, a medal i think!
Just thanks!!
Author: Madeleine Watson
Posted: Mon 26th May 2008, 17:50
Joined: 2002
Local Group: West Yorkshire
It was indeed a great event. I am still in shock I think - my body doesn't quite know what I've done to it! I have spent 6 months preparing for this (my first one) and had lots of really good advice. By having a bit of a nightmare at the Woldsman 50 I had experienced some difficulties and managed to not repeat them on the hundred. Ended up with blisters - but not in places I'd expected - under my toes and one under a nail in the toe. Obvious short term pain - both on the event and now in recovery. I also suffered more than I thought with the lack of sleep. I had real trouble staying awake walking up to Draughton. Rather wobbly passage up the road! It was rather an anticlimax to finish - I was just too tired and sore! But several hours later, after a bath and call to my sister who just gushed enthusiasm/admiration, I started to feel the sense of achievement. As the pain goes, the euphoria comes!

I was amazed at the organisation - it was brilliant. Such a lot to do, with the marshalls event as well. And so much support from everyone (not so sure about the loud cheers outside the pub in Hawes!). The tapes along the route were great - at night you couldn't see them from the previous one, but it was brill to have confirmation you were on the right route. Even where I'd recce'd the route I had some trouble at night. It looks different. I am now wearing my very smart hoodie - all snuggly with the hood up and hands in pocket! Thanks to all.
Author: John King
Posted: Mon 26th May 2008, 16:16
Joined: 2002
Thank you West Yorkshire LDWA for an excellent and well thought out route choice the YOERDALE HUNDRED, it was may first ever LDWA 100 and i had no problems with the rout guidac note very concise i thought.

The memories from the 100 will live with me for ever, the whole event was a joy with such a lot of effort from everybody involved all those smiling faces from those manning the checkpoints and even prepared to bring food and drinks to you at the table, i could`nt believe it better service and happier people than you get in many restaurants,as to the food pure magic every need catered for, from porridge to pasta and everything in between.

I am not good with words but in short i wan`t to thank absolutely everybody including all my fellow walkers and runners the camaraderie was second to none.

I can`t wait for the next one

Three cheers to all involved in a job well done HIP HIP HOORAY.

Thanks everybody.

Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Mon 26th May 2008, 16:01
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
Thread to discuss this marvelous event.

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