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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - The Triple Crown of the USA

Posted: Sun 16th Jan 2011, 15:09
Try wikipidea, long distance paths, nice catalog of long distance paths.
Author: Stuart Dodson
Posted: Wed 31st Dec 2008, 20:05
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Lincolnshire
The Long trail is a link from the AT to Canada If you haven't already visit for ideas i.e the Colarado Trail.I'm also keen on the US but the GR5 is great.
Posted: Fri 18th Jul 2008, 16:41
The American Triple Crown is the challenge to complete the Three Great Trails of the USA being the Appalachian, Pacific Crest and Continental Divide. Over the past 8 years I've done the last two and now have only a 1 000(only?} miles remaining of the Appalachian. What then? There is the North Country Trail(but hell! It's 4 000+miles). The Florida Trail(do you hang yourself from a tree at night to stop the alligators getting you?). The Arizona Trail(Water is for wimps). Any body out there got some advice for me? And if you have done the Great Trails what have you learned from the experience?Any stories about close encounters with homeland security?

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