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Discussion Forum - Events - POPPYLINE 50

Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Mon 4th Aug 2008, 21:56
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
I agree. Well organised, well catered (wonderful kisch and cakes), friendly and welcoming faces. Interesting to have a bit of haunting on the route: the grey stone pyramid of the Buckingham mausoleum rising eerily out of the twilight mist in a woodland glade, and the shrieking pit (uncannily silent as I passed, unfortunately). And as Norfolk and Suffolk couldn?t give us steep hills to climb, they gave us beach sand to wade through instead. Nothing like a bit of variation. Thank you Norfolk and Suffolk ? and Raynet for backup.
Author: Rebecca Lawrence
Posted: Sun 3rd Aug 2008, 20:20
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Marches
Yes - me again - been busy this summer pushing myself after the 100 failure...

Big Big thanks for yet another fabulous poppyline 50. Food spot on, and checkpointers fabulous as usual. I really do hope this isn't the last one as this has become a habit on the first weekend in August for me for the past 5 years.... Marginally preferred the route in previous years as seemed to be more road this year unless it was my imagination.

Thanks to (I think it was Christine) at the end for the sprint finish - so nice to have decent enough feet at the end having been plagued with blisters most of the summer..

Have worked out fresh socks + plenty of sportslick = good feet

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