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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - New Years Reseloution For LDWA

Author: Mike Rayner
Posted: Tue 20th Jan 2009, 22:57
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Northumbria
That's my brother Why-aye Claudius
Posted: Mon 19th Jan 2009, 19:57
I didn?t know Barack was an exiled Midland?er living in Mackin country, but he used to be a pretty good sec of a Border group.
Author: Mike Rayner
Posted: Mon 19th Jan 2009, 18:58
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Northumbria
Let's see if this works, then David
Posted: Mon 19th Jan 2009, 8:49
Sorry John.
I was in a hurry to get back down stairs to watch the snooker last night(hence I slept in this morning and missed my early visit to the Gym and thus posting at this time of day). I think we are in broad agreement I.E the site is good but needs a push start and this can only come from the general membership. I am equally convinced that this will only come if we allow members to remain anonymous, if they wish too. And the only way we will find out is if it is trialled for say twelve months and then either adopted or dropped.
Author: John King
Posted: Sun 18th Jan 2009, 21:46
Joined: 2002
David just john no athan please, i also stand by all i have said and if you if you read my posts carefully i have said that the site is an excellent source of information for those of us that care to stick around, but i feel that it lacks a fresh modern user friendly feel that so many other sites have.

Therefore the casual observer is quick to move on to something with a little more pazaz and if we could hold there attention a little longer then they may show an interest and give us some input.

As to don`t give if you can`t take, a lesson i have learned is not to judge strangers based on forum postings, as in the flesh they can and often are be very different people.

Have a nice week
Posted: Sun 18th Jan 2009, 20:08
Thanks Julie.
Jonathan you probably have a valid point which may or may not be ?if cant take it you shouldn?t dish it out? but why don?t you use a word processor before you make your postings?. I stick by what I said originally. This is a good site but there are far too few of us posting.
Author: John King
Posted: Sun 18th Jan 2009, 16:31
Joined: 2002
You mean i don`t say what i mean? if that`s the case don`t tell anybody that knows me ;).

Although i admit i have never said what impression i have of the LDWA via the website (i never judge a book by its cover), but i have said i don`t feel the website doe`s the LDWA justice and that the chocolate box Photographs are naff and not really representative of the LDWA.

FWIIW i am proud being a member of the LDWA and want to see it grow and move with the times, to that end i like to think that maybe just a little off my waffle my be construed as constructive failing that it may raise a wry smile :-).

I would send in photographs but mine seldom have people in and usually only have memories for me and therefore of no interest to others.

Just got in after a good wet cold 18 miles in the lakes.

Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Sun 18th Jan 2009, 11:14
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
You leave David alone. :) Wish more people were like him - someone with the gumption to say what he thinks!
Author: John King
Posted: Sun 18th Jan 2009, 10:35
Joined: 2002
Author: David Hammond
Posted: Fri 16th Jan 2009, 22:33
First Joined: 1982 Local Group:
I don?t think the photos are the issue Tony, but they do reflect the image that some have of the LDWA (SOM's)and unfortunately this is reflected in the postings.

Would that be all the postings including your own ;)
Happy Days
Posted: Fri 16th Jan 2009, 22:33
I don?t think the photos are the issue Tony, but they do reflect the image that some have of the LDWA (SOM's)and unfortunately this is reflected in the postings.
Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Fri 16th Jan 2009, 21:43
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
Most would agree that well chosen photographs enhance the website, particularly where they help break up those pages with lots of words. If you don't like the current ones (and in defence the priority has been to sort the mechanics of the website first, the content next and photographs and other bells & whistles last) then the answer is simple. Send some you do like!
If you have photoographs that you think would be suitable, particularly a sequence for those nice rolling displays that Reg Chapman has developed, then e-mail them to Reg at with a note of where on the site you think they should go.
Author: Ken Falconer
Posted: Wed 7th Jan 2009, 22:09
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Heart of Scotland
I'm not sure that the Editor can cope with 6000 contributions to Strider, even if they are brief and to the point like yours, Mike!
Author: Mike Rayner
Posted: Wed 7th Jan 2009, 22:02
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Northumbria
Can I suggest resolutions for each LDWA member?
Make one contribution to Strider
Help on one event
Post one comment on the website
Go on one local group walk
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Tue 6th Jan 2009, 19:06
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
Perhaps a response on behalf of us middle aged white males (MAWMs) is required ? [even if I must be closing in on OAWM (work it out) status]. If our Group is anything to go by then MAWMs DO form the largest section of our organisation though we are diluted, thankfully, by a small but very welcome selection of - dare I say it - MAWFs.

This state of affairs was very obvious at one of our recent social walks (see report at when NINE of us MAWMs were joined by a charming young lady visitor (would she be a YOWF?) whose age was somewhere around 50% of our combined average! She certainly seemed to enjoy the day though despite encouragement to return she hasn?t yet been seen again! She was, however, heard to enquire plaintively during the afternoon ? ?so do you have any lady members??

So don?t hide us away and delete all our photos ? the truth will out. It would be a very dull site with no pictures ? is not each worth a 1000 words? If you don?t like them then send in a selection to the Webmaster and let?s get them rotated.
Author: John King
Posted: Mon 5th Jan 2009, 20:57
Joined: 2002
Janet my views on the photographs remain the same as i said on my post commenting on the new forum when it eventually launched, i.e they are NAFF and Self Defeating as a shop window for the LDWA (which the website is).

TBH why do we need Cheesy photographs adorning every page of the website on the forum, surely the gallery is the place for them, leaving the pages for relevant info which most folk that visit are looking for.

Comparasions are often made between the LDWA and FRA websites, i would like to offer some others

Yet another:-

Ok they are all of interest to me but what i feel they have in common is there ability to provide information to all and sundry regardless of age, creed, political persuasion or any other pigeon hole .

In short they attract like minded people with common interests by keeping there sites simple and basically relying on the input from all and sundry to keep the sites alive and fresh.

The photographs are where they should be to be found by those that are interested in seeing them or relevant to the subject matter.

There are no hang ups over treading on peoples toes seemingly because there is a broad cross section of people and no real hierachy system apparent, plus the sites are simple and user friendly,unlike the LDWA which although an improvement on the previous one is still relatively archaic.

Dont get me wrong as a source of info the LDWA site is great for us that care to look but sadly for the casual observer then it i feel it probably just gets glossed over while moving on to sites with a sense of excitement about it.

Like this

Ok i know the LDWA is about long distance walking but why doe`s the website seem to be so insular a little diversification would do no harm and would attract a lot more interest and input, if indeed that is even what the association want`s.

As to what impression i would get from the photographs on here i have long since learned not to judge a book by it`s cover or a person by there forum postings.

OK i have gone on long enough and probably made no sense so i will shut up for now.

Posted: Mon 5th Jan 2009, 16:02
Ah Janet many years ago, I was puffin away at 40 a day before they reached 50p a packet and the gaffer/girlfriend would wait for me 1/2 way up Catbells or Skidaw etc etc with a look of disdain on her face while I puffed on. Now I have to rely on some one to cut the grass and take the dogs out, as I hate an untidy garden and get told off when I fetch the dogs back in a mucky state.
What you are saying about the pictures is right, maybe we should get a few of our girls in on the pictures. (I was going to say something else here but some of the ladies on the check points may recognise me or worse still tell Madam what I have said)We do need to change and know we have tried in the past but we do seem to be slipping back to our old ways.
David H
Author: Janet Pitt-Lewis
Posted: Mon 5th Jan 2009, 14:31
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Marches
?Why have an under or even over anything age group, don?t like minded people irrespective of age, creed, or any other pigeon- hole you try to place them in have something to offer each other??

Very good point John ? but let me ask you this ? if you were a like minded under 30 and /or female and/or non white walker what sort of message do you get from the pictures on this website to suggest that you might be welcome. I particularly cringe at the second photo that comes up on the ?events? section showing a load of white middle aged men standing around prepared to go out and enjoy themselves while the women sit down doing the clerical work. Don?t tell me there is one photo of a youngish couple strolling athletically along a path ? its 5th photo in after you have got past the dynamic bookshop? on the home page and a ruck of oldies. Don?t get me wrong ? I?m a grey haired oldie myself but unless the LDWA attracts a more diverse membership its going to fade out of existence. A bit of fun in the forum section might help
David - how about taking Madam on a few walks - this time of the year it will be dark when she gets back and she won't notice the moles. A meadow garden is very enviromentally sound.
Posted: Sun 4th Jan 2009, 21:19
Janet I have nothing against Mole's except when "She who must be obeyed" puts the lawnmower in to one or more of their holes and I have to replace it. John not every one is like you and I and are prepared to stand up and say what they think. Lets give these people a chance and for others to make some more pointed remarks than is maybe diplomatic to do so.
David H
Author: John King
Posted: Sun 4th Jan 2009, 20:45
Joined: 2002
Totally agree except for the the hiding behind silly names why bother if you have something to say then stand up and be counted.
you never know it may even make sense to somebody, if it doe`nt then no worries.

funny thing is a lot of FRA members are also LDWA members me included but as has already been said not really inspired by this website.

Why have an under or even over anything age group, don`t like minded people irrespective of age, creed, or any other pigeon- hole you try to place them in have something to offer each other?

you could me waiting a while for moley`s response they are in Tasmania and New Zealand.

Happy New Year All

Author: Janet Pitt-Lewis
Posted: Sun 4th Jan 2009, 19:42
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Marches
David ? I agree with everything you say. I am an avid reader of the FRA forums despite the fact I have never run a fell (or felled a run) in my life. I want an avatar ? I want a jokey name with a jokey picture. I want to say anonymously (for example) that the Round Rotherham in December 2008 was the most miserable event I have ever taken part in ? the only good thing being the hot Bovril at the last checkpoint. I want to tell the world about the chapped state of my inner thighs without embarrassing you or me. I want to guess the identity of fellow contributors and hug myself when I have done so. Despite the best efforts of Moley (sorry Matthew Hand) to invigorate it this website it is dull. And I want to get rid of all the photos on this site that show predominantly white middle aged men That might be an accurate reflection of the membership of the LDWA but we do not need to advertise it. And while we are about it ? how about an under 30s LDWA group ? there is no need for a group to be geographically based as the Anytime Anywhere group have demonstrated.
David ? what have you got against moles? I await Matthew?s riposte.
Posted: Sun 4th Jan 2009, 12:31
The time is ripe for the annual New Years resolutions. The one I suggest for the LDWA is to get a grip of this site. It is excellent, beautifully laid out, easy to understand and vastly under used. So why is it so under used? Have we too many pages?, are people interested?, if they are interested why is their so little traffic on it?.
Maybe I should start with some suggestions:
1) Let members use a non deplume. Providing it is registered with the web master and drop this nonsense ?that every must be prepared to be open and accountable for their views?. A lot of people do not like to let others know their views in case they step on the wrong toes.
2) Cut down on the number of pages. Take a careful look at those that are not used or vastly under used and put them all in one check point i.e. ?The Bothy?
3) When a challenge is advertised on this site, make it a condition that there is also a report on the site within 28 days of the event taking place.
4) Let?s have a National Committee report after the committee meetings.
5) Above all let?s not take things too serious, controversy with a fair dollop of tongue in cheek and a few nonsense postings would not do any harm.
And last but not least does any one know of a sure fire humane way of getting rid of Moles. The little fury variety, (not the Westminster variety) who seem to thing the Pennines should be moved in to my garden. I have tried those things that you stick in the ground and make a noise, all the moles did was put ear plugs in, I tried a catapult and they all stood up in front of the greenhouse, shouting ?chicken? (I do believe at least one was making a rude gesture with two of his claws) Traps they have dug up and laid on the Patio (posh word for three bits of paving slab). When I used smoke they all walked around with gas masks on. Any advice from gardeners, keen or otherwise welcome.

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