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Discussion Forum - Events - Sheffield Night Hike

Author: Ian Koszalinski
Posted: Tue 17th Feb 2009, 23:17
Joined: 2004
Local Group: High Peak
I've done this walk, takes you out to Hathersage then back via stanage pole,they use a leader, who sets off first, we caught up with him at hathersage, let him get a head start whilst we had hot dogs then caught him up again below stanage edge went ahead after stanage pole and came in before him which we weren't supossed to do, this was a few years ago when most of the walkers were not as experienced as LDWA members but this may have changed now,
It was good fun, but some didn't like going up the causeway to stanage edge in the dark. have a feeling that when I did it the vermydon group had a longer night walk in the same area, same night, so the "the flashing blade" (may his team be consumed by the fires of hell)told me at the time.
Author: Roy Turner
Posted: Thu 12th Feb 2009, 15:20
Joined: 1988
Local Group: Vermuyden (South Yorks)
Sound's good.
Will check into it, see if the route is Town or Country.
If it's country & not on hol's, give it a go !
Local too, thank's for the info.
Author: Karen Jarvis Morgan
Posted: Wed 11th Feb 2009, 8:57
Joined: 2005
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Just thought id promote this event, its a 17mile walk starts 8.30pm from sheffield, never done it before but someone may be interested. This year its 4th July but registration isnt open yet, you have to get sponsorship, however when I emailed him asking what the minimum was, as ive done a few sponsored events this year, he very nicely explained "There are no minimum sponsorship requirements, whatever can be raised is well received. But please don't worry about feeling that you are not raising enough sponsorship. We would rather people come and walk and enjoy the experience, than become too stressed about sponsorship. We hope that walkers enjoy the walk, tell others, and consider coming
again next year :-)."

Hope to see some of you there.

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