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Discussion Forum - Local Groups - The cosmopolitanism of local groups

Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Mon 24th May 2010, 22:22
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
When are you coming to Cumbria ?
Author: Richard Smith
Posted: Mon 24th May 2010, 15:12
Joined: 2010
Local Group: South Wales
Yes, it's fantastic! I am a member of East Lancs, but I have also walked (this year alone) with West Lancs, South Pennine, South Manchester, and High Peak; in addition to challenge walks with Staffs and Morcambe Bay/Bowland. I've got a couple of walks pencilled in with the Irregulars, Heart of England (when I visit my mum) and Cumbria. I usually go on my own, and am always made to feel very welcome and there are always a number of people willing to walk and talk.

Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Tue 11th Aug 2009, 19:16
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Quite agree. As I regularly travel to Sussex to visit my Mother, I try to fit in a walk whilst down there and have been out with the Surrey, Sussex, Wessex and London Groups over the past few years. Had great walks each time, and on one memorable occasion ended up drinking bubbly in celebration of the leader's birthday! And very nice it was too. Jane
Posted: Mon 10th Aug 2009, 19:15
If that is not a proper word before it is now.
I was out with my local group last Saturday (The West Yorks) for first time in quite a while and I enjoyed the walk and the company and felt quite motivated about walking again after a 2 year hiatus.

What was perhaps the nicest part was the number of local groups that were represented with WY, NY, Nidderdale and Northumbria members and possibly more. I think that is one of the things that has struck me over the years, how you can turn up at any group walk and be made to feel welcome and perhaps this is one of the great selling points of LDWA membership.

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