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Discussion Forum - Events - A heart warming tale

Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Sun 20th Sep 2009, 13:09
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
Great story. :-)
Posted: Tue 1st Sep 2009, 16:43
What a woman!!:-)
Posted: Tue 1st Sep 2009, 6:18
It puts us moaners in our place and the sweepers deserve a vote of thanks for their patience
David H
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Mon 31st Aug 2009, 21:56
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
As one of the sweepers on the Smugglers Trod i have a lovely story to tell. We met a lovely lady and her brother in law and we encouraged her to the end. She was an ex cancer sufferer and was doing the walk/event for the charity Cancer Research. She was called Frankie. She was very fit and and active before her illness and a hard working nurse. She had her chemo therapy last year and because of her hormone medication she kept getting very bad cramps in her thighs on the uphills and downhills. We the sweepers
and her brother in law stayed with her and encouraged her on.
We met some holiday folks on the railway line and after telling them who we were and what we the sweepers were doing they gave money to Frankies's charity! Complete strangers as well! How nice was that?!
Anyway, we finally got to Dave Green's checkpoint on the railway line with 90 seconds to spare! They and us were doubtful if Frankie could get to the finish in the time allowed. Bearing in mind the climb out of Robin Hood's Bay! Poor Frankie was worried an' all! But after a drink at the check point she showed determination and grit and arrived at Fylingdale Village Hall with 4 mins to spare! Well how good was that! She had never done 26 miles before and recovering from cancer and chemo at a young age( just past 40)I think she was marvellous! Whenever I struggle I will think of Frankie.

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