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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Grough Route - Online Mapping and Printing

Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Tue 3rd Nov 2009, 18:07
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
Hi Garfield, although this is not quite specific, you will soon see how my mind has been diverted by your post.

Have you followed the recent news about determining the location in the USA of the "mcfurthest point"? The most remote location from any Golden Arch....

What a great concept! You can easily check it out by putting the name into Google. It was also reported in the Daily Telegraph. And do have a detailed look at the fabulous map - a real research labour of love.

Now, hopefully someone in our association should be able to produce an equivalent map for the UK. To avoid apparent bias against McDonalds, I suggest that it should be called the "relative pole of fast food inaccessibility" for the UK. At a guess, this idyllic and unspoilt rural location may well be in Scotland, so perhaps we could visit it when we come up for the HoS 100 next year.

PS. If you were thinking of doing our excellent Dorset Giant 100K in April next year, it is filling up very fast and may reach the entry limit soon.


mike childs
Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Wed 21st Oct 2009, 20:12
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
This new service has just gone live ...

It also features downloading to GPSs, and a range of subscriptions.

Worth investigating !


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