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Discussion Forum - Events - Future Events On This Website.

Author: Roy Zelionka
Posted: Mon 26th Dec 2005, 5:46
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Is this a secret society? why do we need passwords to view future events? are these events exclusive to LDWA members NO! surly with declining numbers on walks we should have this information readily availible for the casual walker for without them a lot of events would vanish, after all if they like what they see they'll probably
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Sun 11th Dec 2005, 9:35
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Surely as dates of future events come in, they can be added to the site (up to say 12 months in advance). Why only 90 days?
I was unable to advise a local council, who were trying not to clash with any of our ldwa events. All I could say was "Sorry, you will have to delay another few weeks untill the Dec. Strider comes out". I just took a guess at dates, based on previous years, and hoped for the best. But not very professional. Matt.
Posted: Sat 10th Dec 2005, 20:13
As most event dates are known 12 - 14 months in advance, maybe it is time that an out line was published on the site at least 12 months before it is due, these need not be the final details just the area, date and rough distance.
Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Sat 10th Dec 2005, 19:07
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
I think Geoff Saunders's post of 24 Nov (Web site development - topic 'How much did this web site cost...) sums up very well the reasons why you have to be a member to get the full monty.
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Sat 10th Dec 2005, 18:30
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
A local town development group has recently (over 6 months) been attempting to waymark footpaths and map walks in the area - for tourists especially - as a means of promoting walking in the area (Mid-Wales). They decided to attempt to put on a 40k walk in the spring and approached us for info on how to go about it, and for suitable dates that didn't clash with other ldwa walks. "No problem, Strider isn't out yet, so I'll look on the website", I said. Website only gives events up to 90 days in advance, so that's no help. They can't access the website themselves, so that wasn't any great help to them either. Does this show the ldwa as a forward thinking organisation, and is it making full use of modern technology (the website) to benefit and promote walking as a whole ? Matt.
Author: Chris Chorley
Posted: Tue 6th Dec 2005, 19:53
Joined: 1982
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
It may not be the best layout (especially with National/Local/Social categories when I thought there were just challenge events and social walks) but for one I don't always know where Strider is, but I always know where the website is. It would be useful to be able to edit the details as an event organiser, but given the sheer number of organisers I don't know if that is practical.
Posted: Tue 6th Dec 2005, 17:53
I just wonder if there is any point having the future events section on this LDWA website? In its present form only members can access it due to it being password protected. Surely it us quicker just to look in Strider.
If the future events section remains,then surely it needs to be modified to increase its use and usefulness.
Some ideas might be,

. monthly updates
. separate social walks from national events
. access to non members to this section
. a facility to modify eg if an event has to be cancelled/changes of start etc.

Any thoughts ?

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