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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Heart of England Way - Accommodation

Author: Robert Locock
Posted: Fri 7th May 2010, 18:47
Joined: 2010
Hi Charlotte,did you get sorted?
If not go to the Ramblers forum where StaffsWalker is a member.He is Chair of the HofE Association.
Author: Charlotte Frith
Posted: Mon 25th Jan 2010, 16:52
Joined: 2009
Local Group: London
Does anyone have any advice for sensibly-priced accommodation on the Heart of England Way?

I'm walking the Cannock Chase to Chipping Camden sections as part of my JOGLE walk and have the WalkwayS guidebook. Sadly the author of the guidebook passed away recently so the accommodation list is no longer available and I've been struggling to find reasonably-priced B&Bs who welcome single walkers. Any tips gratefully received!


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