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Discussion Forum - Gear ! - Kahtoola Microspikes

Author: Gordon Stone
Posted: Fri 14th May 2010, 15:40
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Lancashire
Similarly, yaktrax are also suitable.
My wife used them throughout the winter for dog-walking on ice and snow and I got my own which I tested on on Helvellyn & High Street at Easter.
See blog for pic and a bit more info -
Posted: Sun 11th Apr 2010, 20:39
Hello Tony,

These are a great piece of kit. I have some and there worked well in the Lakes this winter. You just need to remeber that they are not crampons and have limitations

Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Tue 26th Jan 2010, 9:38
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
These little gadgets have been getting rave reviews from fellow walkers during the recent conditions. They are rather like snow chains for cars, with small spikes attached to the chains, which fit onto your shoes/boots with an elastomer harness.

While not pretending that they compare with full blown crampons for hillwalking, they provide good grip under most snow and ice conditions. They will fit anything from fell running shoes to winter boots. They are easy to put on and take off, weigh only 350 grammes and take up a small space in the rucksack. I am told they are comfortable to wear on snow free paths or even short stretches of tarmac. Too early to say how long they will last but no reports of breakages yet.The medium size seems to fit boots up to UK 9.5 or 10.

Chief disadvantage is that they ball up quickly in soft snow, and since there are no spikes in the heel, careful foot placement is needed on slopes.

They are just the job for anything from fell running to shopping.Needless to say they have been flying out of the local shops as soon as they arrive during the recent weather, so I have not been able to get my hands on a pair yet. Could have done with some on the January Jollies!

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