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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Offa's Dyke

Author: John Phillips
Posted: Mon 15th Feb 2010, 6:53
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Sorry but I have other plans at this time so cannot take up offer.
I just hope that LDWA members appreciate that you have sacrificed a holiday to run an event for them and enter in droves. Having entered last year, albeit on a slightly different route, I can certainly recommend this event.
Author: Carole Elizabeth Engel
Posted: Sun 14th Feb 2010, 20:56
Joined: 1998
Local Group: Calderdale
Is anyone interested in joining a small group of the Irregulars for the above LDP? 24th July to 5th August 2010. B&B, luggage transfers, £750. I was booked on but have to sacrifice my trip in favour of co-organising, baking for and being entrants secretary for Calderdale group's summer event, Moors the Merrier - now on 7th August. If so, please contact:

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