Just a suggestion but i keep wondering if a couple of more specific thread titles were to be added to the main menu, whether it would encourage more people to post and get involved on a regular basis.
For Example TRAINING under which folk can discuss what they do to attain the level of fitness they aspire to or even have and indeed need, in order to take part in the LDWA events, this thread i see as one that could grow and encourage more involvement from folk, Particulary newcomers seeking advice from more experienced folk as they approach and contemplate there taking part in an event.
We could even see things like sub headings ( topics within the thread) for say weekly Mileage, ascent, cycling, or dare i say it even running etc, after all we all have and are always looking dfferent ways of trying to stay fit in a bid to enjoy and make full use of our LDWA membership.
Another Title could be OUT THERE where folk could discuss and log things like wildlife sightings,Footpath blockages, inspirational moments, brought about by nature, in fact all things that make the whole experience of being out on the hill, in the country or wherever, the great experience it is.
I Know any of the above can be posted under headings such as the Bothy but to be honest the existing titles are to all encompassing and specific topics such as training get lost after a few new topics are raised and the same regular posters have made ther response, which means that somebody new has to trawl through a load of stuff that probably is, initially is of little interest to them,at least not until they have gotten to know a few folks either in the flesh or on events, or even, as daft as it sounds the vitual personna of people on a forum.
The above is just a thought, but it doe`s seem to me that a thread or two that provokes some on going momentum, through a specific common interest (allied to the ethos of the LDWA) would maybe help to raise interest and encourage participation, which the current batch of titles seem to have failed to do.
While i am here, is possible to see who made the last post on a thread, as well as the date and time please.
Also i think it is nice if a contributor to a forum is able to edit there last post, at least for a given time say an hour, after making a post, as so often mistakes are made that are not immediately obvious when making the post.
Damn i do seem to go on best shut up now.