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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Will I meet any LDWA members on the GR10 this Summer?

Author: Gordon Stone
Posted: Wed 31st Mar 2010, 15:07
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Lancashire
After dropping the idea last Summer, this year I am well on schedule for walking the GR10 in the Pyrenees this Summer and have booked my first tickets.
From the books and blogs I've read I suspect in the quieter parts there may be at most half a dozen walkers on the route. On some days in the Ariege I may see nobody. I'm not sure how many do the route in a single trek - I suspect not many.

I have a blog at gordonsgr10.blogspot and am also trying to raise a few bob for both Guide Dogs For The Blind and British Heart Foundation. If you've any links with either, you may wish to make a small donation to give me added incentive - the justgiving sites are shown on the top picture of the blog.

Am I likely to come across any LDWA members out in the Pyrenees doing some holiday walks? If yes, drop me an email at or I think you can post a comment on my blog

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