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Discussion Forum - Events - Oxon 40/20

Author: Roger Swift
Posted: Mon 3rd May 2010, 19:21
Joined: 1995
Local Group: Wiltshire
A good day out with friends Saw 6 red kite!!!!!!!!
Author: Paul Burgess
Posted: Mon 3rd May 2010, 12:40
Joined: 2005
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Just wanted to say a big thankyou to all concerned who ran this event (especially to the kind lady from Oxford who was helping at the YMCA who gave Henley advice to my wife whilst I did the event). The bank holiday weekend allowed me to "drag" my wife along on the promise of a visit to Oxford the following day (which we did). This was my first time in such a beautiful area and had the added bonus of glorious weather as well. The icing on the cake for me was seeing 11 different red kites at close range at various times along the way. The route description and food were both excellent. I'm already planning to do the 40 next year! Thanks again.

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