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Discussion Forum - Events - The name of the event is, The Heart of Scotland 100.

Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Thu 6th May 2010, 22:43
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
... and I tell you, Ian, it's the "'ish" which is the best bit !! (Garfield)
Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Thu 6th May 2010, 20:11
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Nobody as offended me.

It's reading the T-H-S 105 thread headings, I thought it was a little unfair to the people who have organise the event. As it as already been stated it takes years of hard work into putting on a 100. We was asked 3 years ago if we was willing to do our little bit. We are already booked for 2011 and 2012.

All I was trying to get over in my blunt Yorkshire way,is lets take the extra miles in your stride and go out there and enjoy the walk of the year. The Heart of Scotland 100 (ish).

ian 8484.
Author: George Foxton
Posted: Thu 6th May 2010, 14:35
Joined: 1984
Local Group: East Lancashire
Sorry to have offended or sounded rude to Ian, the organisers, entrants, or anyone else by my original posting of "Heart of Scotland 105"
No offence was intended. The thread was posted purely to generate some discussion.
Congrats to all who did the Marshall's walk, and good luck to all for the actual event.
Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Thu 6th May 2010, 13:14
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
You're right, Rebecca - "105" does sound more impressive. Somehow, saying "a hundred" to lay-persons sounds like it might be somewhere in the region of a 100. Most people tend to look blank, and then say "My George did the London Marathon, you know". The LM always seems more impressive than the LDWA 100 !!
But 105 sounds measured.
Author: Rebecca Lawrence
Posted: Thu 6th May 2010, 12:50
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Marches
I can see your point - not intending to upset the organisers, but I have been talking about it to my friends and family as 'heart of scotland 105' as they are all used to me doing 100's but 105 sounds extra impressive. Unfortunately my father is terminally ill so I am being sponsored this year for his charity so going the extra mile (pardon the pun) will hopefully squeeze a few pounds out of my friends if I complete it.

Well done all of those who did the Marshall's walk and it was reassuring. As one of those mere mortals who reccied the route and was left feeling more than a little apprehensive, it was reassuring that people not only completed it in style, but enjoyed it too.

Really looking forward to it - I know quite a lot of people including me are flying up so I hope the ash problem goes away by then!
Posted: Wed 5th May 2010, 23:00
David, no need for a passport, just wear a skirt and pretend you're a native.
Posted: Wed 5th May 2010, 21:00
As with all 100s I have entered, at this stage, I have more pressing things to worry about / mull over than wether its acctualy a 100 or a 105 miles. Its down as a 100 and thas what it is. More to the point. Will I start thrown up at 50miles and how can I beat it, light boots or two pair of trainers to swop over at the breafast point, heavy bag I know or new light bag that has hardly been tested, poles or no poles, do I have to carry a passport past Gretna and so it goes on.
All I do know at this stage is that the organisers will have done their best to ensure the event is a success and that what ever they have decided I will respect that decision and not quibble about a few minor quirks or make silly complaints over a few miles. and yes I will probably wear a white cockade in my bonnet
Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Wed 5th May 2010, 18:00
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
I agree completely with Ian - that is a very "down to earth" view of things

It is the Hundred - another great l LDWA challenge walk. It is wonderful that they take place every year, and I really appreciate the hard work that goes into planning and suypporting them. It is almost certainly easier to be a walker on the event than one of the organising committee.

I have not really got the time to do a reconnaissance, or check the route beforehand (and do I really want to ? I prefer to see it all, for the the first time on the walk) but I am sure it will be OK and I have great confidence that it will be well supported.
Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Wed 5th May 2010, 17:26
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Posted to early.

So come on give them a break, Lets forget about the extra few miles, and just walk the The Heart of Scotland 100.

I for one are very grateful to all the groups who put on the 100's I did. The memories of which will stick with me for all my life.

ian 8484.
Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Wed 5th May 2010, 17:17
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
I believe by calling the hundred "The Heart of Scotland 105" posters are being rude to the good people who have put so much hard work into the organization of the walk. OK so the walk is slightly over 100 miles, so what. I would guess most if not all past 100's have not been 100 miles.

This walk is being put on by volunteers, who have spent years of work into the event. The 100 is not a Olympic event, It is a walk is put on by amateurs (no disrespect to the organization) for enjoyment of amateurs

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