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Invalid Image SizeGreen Link Walk (London)

Gtr London

26 km / 16 miles
The Green Link Walk is the first of six new Greenways in London for which the Ramblers campaigned in the Mayoral election. It has been developed by Inner London Ramblers and was launched in spring 2024.

The route was conceived by partners London Living Streets, Ramblers, Sustrans and CPRE London and delivered by Transport for London (TfL) working with the City of London and the boroughs of Hackney, Islington, Southwark and Waltham Forest.

It is the eighth route to be included in the TfL Walk London Network of strategic walking routes, and connects with the Capital Ring, Jubilee Greenway, Jubilee Walkway, Lee Valley Walk and the Thames Path.

From the edge of Epping Forest it runs to Peckham. It links a number of low-traffic neighbourhoods in Islington and Hackney with green spaces including parks, waterways and marshes and it features newly greened streets.

Points of interest include medieval monasteries, an ancient market, Georgian and Victorian terraces, St Pauls Cathedral and the Tate Modern.

The route passes through Walthamstow town centre, visits The Wetlands - a nature reserve, crosses Walthamstow and Leyton Marshes, and links Millfields Park, Hackney Downs and London Fields. It heads through Stonefields Gardens in Haggerston, then along the Regents Canal to The Angel Islington. It passes through Smithfield and over the Millennium Bridge to cross the Thames. It then follows The Low Line through The Elephant, including Elephant Park and Victory Community Park, Salisbury Row and it ends passing through Burgess Park to Peckham.

Information is on the Inner London Ramblers website and on the Go Jauntly's app at from which a free pdf guide may be downloaded with detailed street mapping and on a new Footways map at The route is quite intricate in places and street mapping is advised in order to follow it, with this app or online on a phone, or with a street atlas.

There are many options to walk the route in stages using public transport.


Waymark: Invalid Image Size
Path Type: Other Paths
Waymark: Green and yellow graphic with leaf, inside route name
Attributes: Other Paths
Urban Parkland
Start: TQ391896 - St Peter's Church Bus Stop, Upper Walthamstow, Gtr London View on StreetMap
Finish: TQ342763 - Peckham Rye Station, Peckham, Gtr London View on StreetMap
Open Date: 2024
Web Sites: Green Link Walk - Inner London Ramblers


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National Trails (England & Wales)
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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps:
OS Landranger 176, 177
OS Landranger Active 176, 177
OS Explorer 161, 173, 174
OS Explorer Active 161, 173, 174

Accommodation within 5 km of this Path:

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5 km
5 km
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16 km
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1 km
16 km
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2 km
16 km
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2 km
16 km
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< 1 km
18 km
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3 km
25 km
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< 1 km
25 km

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Route Profile:

26.0 km (16.2 miles)
174 m (571 ft) ascent
49 m (161 ft)  maximum height

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