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16 km / 10 miles
The Watling Chase Timberland Trail crosses the heart of the Community Forest?s area, going northwards to Smallford. This area has long been a transport corridor between London and the north for stagecoaches, travellers and drovers, with Roman Watling Street, that connected Londinium to Verulanium (St Albans) and was originally a sort of Roman M1, now the route of the A5 on the western skyline, and London Colney a stop on the old coaching route.

The Trail includes Shenley Park and near London Colney it meets and follows the upper Colne river valley and the Tyttenhanger lakes left from gravel extraction alongside the Colne's current course.

Near Shenley it is coincident with the Hertfordshire Way. From Smallford, the Alban Way, which is also a cycle way, follows a disused railway to provide a link to St Albans, or to Hatfield.

For a longer walk, it could be combined with the London Loop section that also starts at Elstree station and crosses the course of Watling Street and is mostly within the designated area of the Watling Chase Community Forest, and heads west to Hatch End where trains link back to St Albans.

A free leaflet for the Trail may be downloaded from the weblink below.


Waymark: Invalid Image Size
Path Type: Paths Marked on OS mapping
Waymark: Tree and name in green
Attributes: Easy
Start: TQ190963 - Elstree station, Hertfordshire View on StreetMap
Finish: TL198072 - Smallford, Hertfordshire View on StreetMap
Open Date: 2005

Publications, Badges and Certificates:

External download Watling Chase Timberland Trail  (Hertfordshire County Council  - 2003 ) Download


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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps (path is named on OS maps):
OS Landranger 166, 176
OS Landranger Active 166, 176
OS Explorer 173, 182
OS Explorer Active 173, 182

Connected Paths:


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Route Profile:

16.3 km (10.1 miles)
135 m (443 ft) ascent
134 m (440 ft)  maximum height

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