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Invalid Image SizeBrenda Parker Way


126 km / 78 miles
This 78 mile long distance path is broken into nine sections and crosses the rich and diverse north Hampshire countryside between the towns of Aldershot and Andover. These towns lie respectively at the eastern and western edges of the north of the county and have links to Hampshire's military heritage. Between, the walk takes in heathland, forest, tiny fields and small farms, then climbs to the highest villages in Hampshire, offering spectacular views, rolling downland and clear chalk streams.

Within each section there are details of the many points of interest along the route; these include Fleet Pond, Hampshire's largest lake; Calleva, an ancient Roman Town; Highclere Castle, TV's 'Downton Abbey' and home of the discoverer of the tomb of Tutankhamun, and Pilot Hill, Hampshire's highest point.

The start and end of each of the nine sections have been designed to link up with public transport.

The walk description is provided on the website below and is written for those walking the route in a westerly direction. A PDF version of each of the nine written descriptions can be downloaded from the website below.

The route commemorates Brenda Parker, who worked as a volunteer for the Ramblers in a range of roles over many years, including leading walks, writing walks books, representing Ramblers on rights of way and access matters and serving as Area Chair. In 2011 North Hampshire Downs Ramblers group completed setting up the Brenda Parker Way in memory of the group's founder and Rambler's campaigner for walkers in Hampshire.


Waymark: Invalid Image Size
Path Type: Paths Marked on OS mapping
Waymark: Name and bird image in purple
Attributes: Easy
Start: SU870500 - Heroes Shrine and Garden, Aldershot, Hampshire View on StreetMap
Finish: SU364457 - Angel Inn, Andover, Hampshire View on StreetMap
Web Sites: Brenda Parker Way


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Paths Marked on OS mapping
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Walkers are Welcome

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps (path is named on OS maps):
OS Landranger 174, 175, 185, 186
OS Landranger Active 174, 175, 185, 186
OS Explorer 131, 144, 145, 158, 159
OS Explorer Active 131, 144, 145, 158, 159

Walking Support Providers:

Support Providers
Baggage Handling (Eco Friendly Deliveries)

Accommodation within 5 km of this Path:

Walkers are Welcome
5 km
105 km

Connected Paths:


Reminder: Material downloaded from this website is for personal use only. Commercial use, reproduction, modification of all content is strictly prohibited without prior approval by the LDWA. Please Contact Us if you have any requests.

Route Profile:

123.9 km (77.0 miles)
1,431 m (4,695 ft) ascent
268 m (879 ft)  maximum height

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