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Clarion House Way


35 km / 22 miles
The Clarion House Way is a circular walk linking the only existing Clarion House in the country with two former ones and may be started at any suitable access point. The walk is designed to be done in a day by fit and experienced walkers. However the detailed guide is split into seven shorter sections and is available to download as a pdf from the website below. Much of the route borrows sections of the Pendle Way, the Burnley Way and the Bronte Way which are all waymarked.

The present and last Clarion House is one of several 'Clarion Houses? that were used by the Nelson Independent Labour Party. It was built in 1912 under the direction of the trustees of the Nelson ILP Land Society.

The history of the Clarion House is described in a book written by Roger Brown and the late Stan Iveson, titled: 'Clarion House - A Monument to a Movement'. This book is currently out of print, however it has been reproduced in electronic form and along with a photographic history of the ILP and other items was available on a CD-ROM (please email the Clarion House at for details). The route was featured in TGO magazine, April 2013.

DECEMBER 2023: A dislodged and leaning footbridge (where Moor Isles Clough meets the river Calder) has been reported at SD 822356 which affect the route of the Clarion House Way to the north west of Burnley.


Path Type: Anytime Challenges
Attributes: Anytime Challenges
Start and Finish: SD860377 - Nelson Station., Lancashire View on StreetMap
Web Sites: Clarion House Way


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National Trails (England & Wales)
Paths Marked on OS mapping
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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps:
OS Landranger 103
OS Landranger Active 103
OS Explorer 21, 41
OS Explorer Active 21, 41

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Route Profile:

35.6 km (22.1 miles)
775 m (2,543 ft) ascent
334 m (1,096 ft)  maximum height

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