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Invalid Image SizeColeridge Way

Devon, Somerset

80 km / 50 miles
Established in April 2005, the Coleridge Way originally finished at Porlock but in May 2014 a 15-mile extension to Lynmouth was launched. The Coleridge Way is a now 50 mile/80 km footpath in Somerset and Devon; the route links several sites associated with the romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge starting from Coleridge Cottage at Nether Stowey and finishing in Lynmouth, with walkers having the option of continuing along the South West Coast Path to Lynton and Poets Corner in the Valley of Rocks.

Walk in the Footsteps of Coleridge through the stunning Somerset countryside of the Quantock Hills, the Brendon Hills and Exmoor, a landscape that inspired Coleridge to produce some of his best known work. The route from Nether Stowey on the Quantock Hills, where Coleridge lived for three years, goes through quiet and unspoilt northern fringes of the Quantock Hills through the villages of Holford, West Quantoxhead and Bicknoller, the little known Brendon Hills through the villages of Monksilver, Roadwater and Luxborough, across Lype Hill to Wheddon Cross and the remote Exmoor moorland fringes of Dunkery Hill to the woodland village of Horner to reach Porlock, formerly the end of the route, close to the South West Coast Path National Trail.

From here the extended route climbs inland through Worthy Woods past Ash Farm before descending down into the picturesque Brendon Valley passing Oare, Malmsmead and Doone Valley, to tollow the East Lyn River on to Brendon, Rockford and Watersmeet, before finishing on the seafront by Lynmouth Pavilion Exmoor National Park Centre.

There is a variety of landscapes: heathland, moorland, deciduous & coniferous woodland, farmland, deeply wooded valleys and historic villages with expansive views over to the North Somerset Coast and Wales. Every village has at least one pub to provide you with welcome refreshment. There are also a number of delightful tea rooms and village shops to visit.

A route description and maps are available from the website below and stripmaps are available, listed below.

There is also a separately described, partly overlapping sister bridleway route for horse-riders marked with blue markings (yellow on the footpath route), also covered on the website below. This Coleridge Bridle Way is a challenging horse ride linking the Quantock Hills and Exmoor, from Nether Stowey to Exford.


Waymark: Invalid Image Size
Path Type: Paths Marked on OS mapping
Waymark: Quill Pen, including on wooden posts, with yellow arrows for footpath
Attributes: Challenging
Horse Ride (Multi User)
Start: ST191398 - Nether Stowey, Somerset View on StreetMap
Finish: SS722495 - Lynmouth, Devon View on StreetMap
Web Sites: Coleridge Way Quantock Online - Coleridge Way Coleridge Way - in the footsteps of the Romantic poets [YouTube video] A walker's journal - The Coleridge Way [blog] Walking the Coleridge Way [YouTube video]

Publications, Badges and Certificates:

External download Quantock Online - Coleridge Way : map and route description  (Quantock Online ) Download
External download Coleridge Way - Westwards  (Visit Exmoor ) Download
External download Coleridge Way - Eastwards  (Visit Exmoor ) Download


You can use the interactive controls to zoom in and out and to move around the map, or click on a path or a marker for more info.(interactive map help)

Show Connected Path Outlines
National Trails (England & Wales)
Paths Marked on OS mapping
Other Paths

Show Accommodation
Hostel Accommodation
Bunk House

Show Points of Interest
Walkers are Welcome

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps (path is named on OS maps):
OS Landranger 180, 181
OS Landranger Active 180, 181
OS Explorer 9, 140
OS Explorer Active 9, 140
Other Paper Maps:
ZigZag 16 Stripmap
Coleridge Way: Wheddon Cross to Lynmouth (Yellow Publications - March 2016)
ZigZag 16 Stripmap
Coleridge Way: Nether Stowey to Wheddon Cross (Yellow Publications - March 2016)

Walking Support Providers:

Support Providers
Baggage Handling and Self-Guided Walks (Great British Walks Limited)
Support Providers
Self-Guided Walking Holidays (Discovery Walking Holidays)
Support Providers
Baggage Handling and Self Guided Walks (Celtic Trails Walking Holidays)
Support Providers
Self-Guided Walking Holidays (Contours Holidays)
Support Providers
Self-Guided Walking Holidays (Encounter Walking Holidays)
Support Providers
Walking, Hiking and Cycling Holidays (Let's Go Walking! Ltd)
Support Providers
Baggage Handling (Luggage Transfers)
Support Providers
Self-Guided Walking Holidays (Westcountry Walking Holidays)

Click to show 5 more Walking Support Providers

Accommodation within 5 km of this Path:

Bunk House
5 km
41 km
Hostel Accommodation
5 km
49 km
Walkers are Welcome
< 1 km
56 km
Walkers are Welcome
< 1 km
80 km

Connected Paths:


Reminder: Material downloaded from this website is for personal use only. Commercial use, reproduction, modification of all content is strictly prohibited without prior approval by the LDWA. Please Contact Us if you have any requests.

Route Profile:

80.0 km (49.7 miles)
2,762 m (9,062 ft) ascent
419 m (1,375 ft)  maximum height

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