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Invalid Image SizeOuter Aylesbury Ring

Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire

85 km / 53 miles
The Outer Aylesbury Ring (OAR), developed by Aylesbury and District Ramblers, was officially launched on 18 May 2013. The OAR showcases the countryside and villages of the panoramic Vale of Aylesbury and the edge of the Chiltern Hills by taking advantage of higher ground on the outside of Aylesbury and District Ramblers' other circular route, the 32-mile Aylesbury Ring.

These are fourteen stages of the route, starting in Wendover (1), Buckland Wharf (2), Marsworth (3), Mentmore (4), Wing (5), Cublington (6), Oving (7), Quainton (8), Waddesdon (9), Ashendon (10), Chearsley (11), Aston Sandford (12), Princes Risborough (13) and finally Ellesborough back to Wendover (14). Each stage has its own guide.

Starting from the edge of Wendover, a few minutes walk from the station, the route heads up towards the Hale through Wendover Woods to descend back down Aston Hill to the Wendover arm of the Grand Union Canal. It follows the canal and paths around the Tring reservoirs to Marsworth, where it continues along the Grand Union Canal as far as Horton Lock, before heading towards Mentmore and Ledburn to Wing. It then goes north west to the ridge that that heads across to Cublington and on Creslow Ridge to Whitchurch. Leaving Whitchurch it heads out through Oving to North Marston and on via Hogshaw and Quainton Hill to Quainton and then to Waddesdon. It skirts Waddesdon Manor grounds and Lodge Hill to Westcott and east around the former site of Westcott airfield to reach Ashendon. It heads to Chearsley, crossing the River Thame and going down through Haddenham to Aston Sandford. It then continues south east passing Owlswick and through Longwick and Princes Risborough to join the Ridgeway up to Whiteleaf Hill. From here it follows the edge of the Chilterns, mainly not using the Ridgeway's route, to Cadsden and on to Ellesborough and returns to Wendover via the Boer War Monument on Coombe Hill.

UPDATE August 2022 - The construction of HS2 is impacting the routes of several LDPs between Waddesdon and the existing railway line to the north west of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. The LDPs identified are the Aylesbury Ring, the Outer Aylesbury Ring, the Swan's Way, the Midshires Way and the Buckinghamshire Way. These right of way closures are scheduled to continue until March 2025. See the Bucks CC webpage (search on Waddesdon):


Waymark: Invalid Image Size
Path Type: Paths Marked on OS mapping
Waymark: Letters OAR in arrowed circle on green arrow
Attributes: Average Gradients
Start and Finish: SP868074 - Wendover, Buckinghamshire View on StreetMap
Open Date: 2013
Web Sites: Aylesbury & District Ramblers - Outer Aylesbury Ring


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National Trails (England & Wales)
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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps (path is named on OS maps):
OS Landranger 165
OS Landranger Active 165
OS Explorer 180, 181, 192
OS Explorer Active 180, 181, 192

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Route Profile:

84.9 km (52.8 miles)
1,218 m (3,996 ft) ascent
272 m (892 ft)  maximum height

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