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Invalid Image SizeEbor Way

N Yorkshire, W Yorkshire, York

122 km / 76 miles
A relatively gentle walk, taking its name from Eboracum, Roman York. From Helmsley it heads southwards to Hovingham and crosses undulating farmland to Strensall, from where the River Foss is followed to York. The city is crossed on the path along its medieval walls and is left along the banks of the River Ouse. At Tadcaster the route turns west and continues along the Wharfe valley and the Ainsty bounds to Wetherby and Harewood. Here the Way climbs to the gritstone outcrops of the Chevin and Cow and Calf Rocks on the edge of Ilkley Moor before descending to Ilkley in Wharfedale.

Woodhall Bridge near Wetherby is open (for Easter 2015), after a 3-year closure due to storm damage. This enables walkers to use the Ebor Way, Tidewater Way and White Rose Way that involve this crossing.

UPDATE September 2021 - We have been advised that as part of the Transpennine Route Upgrade, Network Rail are proposing to close Copmanthorpe (Bishopthorpe) level crossing. This LDP currently uses this crossing. If, and when, a decision is made to reroute the PROW in this area, we will adjust our GPX files.


Waymark: Invalid Image Size
Path Type: Paths Marked on OS mapping
Waymark: Cross, castle and ram on green disc
Attributes: Easy
Start: SE613838 - Helmsley, N Yorkshire View on StreetMap
Finish: SE112480 - Ilkley, W Yorkshire View on StreetMap

Publications, Badges and Certificates:

Guidebook Walkers' Britain  (AA Publishing  - 2011 )


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National Trails (England & Wales)
Paths Marked on OS mapping
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Walkers are Welcome

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps (path is named on OS maps):
OS Landranger 100, 104, 105
OS Landranger Active 100, 104, 105
OS Explorer 26, 289, 290, 297, 300
OS Explorer Active 26, 289, 290, 297, 300

Accommodation within 5 km of this Path:

Hostel Accommodation
< 1 km
< 1 km
Hostel Accommodation
< 1 km
48 km
Hostel Accommodation
2 km
50 km
Walkers are Welcome
< 1 km
66 km
Walkers are Welcome
1 km
110 km
Walkers are Welcome
5 km
114 km
Walkers are Welcome
2 km
116 km

Click to show 5 more Accommodations

Additional Images:

Connected Paths:

National Trails (England & Wales)


Reminder: Material downloaded from this website is for personal use only. Commercial use, reproduction, modification of all content is strictly prohibited without prior approval by the LDWA. Please Contact Us if you have any requests.

MemoryMap Route File
Tracklogs Route File

Route Profile:

121.8 km (75.7 miles)
1,548 m (5,079 ft) ascent
296 m (971 ft)  maximum height

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