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Invalid Image SizeUlster Way - Lough Braden to Gortin Quality Section


55 km / 34 miles
This Quality Section begins on the high sandstone plateau around Lough Bradan and this remote area, dominated by blanket bog and forestry, is close to the border with County Donegal. The first part of the route travels northeast through Lough Bradan Forest to the wind farm at Lough Lee. There is a short section across open moorland to cross Bolaght Mountain with some of the most far-reaching views on the Ulster Way.

Narrow country roads and forest tracks lead towards the summit of Bessy Bell (420m), with more tremendous views.

Further country roads lead through Carrigans and Tattynure before the climb across the western slopes of Mullaghcarn, a sprawling outlier of the main Sperrins range. After the Gortin Glen Forest Park a final road section leads to Gortin village.

Some sections of the route are not waymarked.

Next Quality Section: Gortin to Moneyneany.


Waymark: Invalid Image Size
Path Type: Northern Ireland Quality Routes
Waymark: Orange fern frond on blue background with path name
Attributes: Northern Ireland Quality Walks
Paths marked on OS mapping
Start: H213717 - Lough Bradan Forest, Tyrone
Finish: H491858 - Gortin, Tyrone
Open Date: 2009
Web Sites: WalkNI - Ulster Way - Lough Bradan to Gortin


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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Other Paper Maps:
OS (NI) Discoverer
12 (Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland - 2012)
OS (NI) Discoverer
13 (Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland - Sept 2015)

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